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Übersicht der Beiträge von den Tagungsbänden der Passivhaustagungen von 2015 bis 2018

Jahr NR Arbeitsgruppe Autor(en) Titel Seitenzahl (dt. Ausgabe) Arbeitsgruppe (engl.) Titel (engl.) Seitenzahl (engl. Ausgabe)
2018 22 Vorwort Feist, Wolfgang Vorwort des Herausgebers 5 Preface Preface by the editor 5
2018 22 Grußwort Aigner, Ilse Grußwort 9 Opening Remarks Opening Remarks 9
2018 22 Grußwort Herrmann, Joachim Grußwort 11 Opening Remarks Opening Remarks 11
2018 22 Grußwort Jacobs, Stephanie Grußwort 13 Opening Remarks Opening Remarks 13
2018 22 Grußwort Degenhart, Christine Grußwort 15 Opening Remarks Opening Remarks 15
2018 22 Grußwort Kordon, Michael Grußwort 17 Opening Remarks Opening Remarks 17
2018 22 Grußwort Vierlbeck, Dieter Grußwort 19
2018 22 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Das Passivhaus für den leistbaren Wohnungsbau 73 Plenary Session The Passive House - a solution for affordable housing 69
2018 22 AG I Reich, Karin Passivhäuser im Bereich der Bayrischen Staatsbauverwaltung 89 Session I Passive Houses managed by the Bavarian state through Bayrische Staatsbauverwaltung 85
2018 22 AG I Hochhuber, Josef Das bayrischen 10.000-Häuser-Programm - Förderung effizienter und systemdienlicher Gebäude 95 Session I The Bavarian 10,000 Houses Programme - promotion of efficient and system-relevant buildings 91
2018 22 AG I Vallentin, Gernot; Vallentin, Rena Passivhäuser in München und Umgebung 101 Session I Passive House in Munich and its surroundings 97
2018 22 AG I Kirschbaum, Alexander; Kuckelkorn, Jens M. Monitoring und Betriebsoptimierung eines Passivhaus-Schulneubaus 107 Session I Monitoring and operational optimisation of a new Passive House school building 103
2018 22 AG I Klaffke, Julius Nachhaltiges Stadtquartier der Zukunft 113 Session I Sustainable urban district of the future 109
2018 22 AG I Brütsch, Andrea; Freundorfer, Franz Passivhaus durch Kooperation in regionalen Netzwerken - da sohnt sich! 119 Session I Passive House through cooperation in regional networks - it's worth it! 115
2018 22 AG II Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang Simulationsstudie über den Einsatz von Enthalpieübertragern in kalten Klimaten 127 Session II Simulation study on the use of enthalpy exchangers in cold climates 123
2018 22 AG II Wollnow, Jörg Einsatzmöglichkeiten einer neuen Dampfbremsbahn mit Hygrobrid-Technologie 133 Session II Possible applications for a new vapour control layer based on hygrobrid technology 129
2018 22 AG II Kluth, Solitair Baustoffe im Fokus - Ökonomie, Ökologie und Graue Energie 139 Session II Building materials in the spotlight - economics, ecology and grey energy 135
2018 22 AG II Pfluger, Rainer Reproduzierbare kostengünstige Lösungen für den Passivhaus-Geschosswohnungsbau, Campagne-Areal Innsbruck (A) 145 Session II Reproducible low-cost solutions for Passive House multi-storey residential buildings, Campagne site, Innsbruck (Austria) 141
2018 22 AG II Sambale, Martin; Andreas-Tschiesche, Peter Fehler vermeiden durch die Zertifizierung von Passivhäusern 151 Session II Using Passive House certification to avoid mistakes 147
2018 22 AG II Stegemann, Michael; Roik, Matthias Thermische Optimierung von Verankerungselementen, Hier: Mauerwerkskonsole 157 Session II Thermal optimization of anchoring components, here: brickwork support brackets 153
2018 22 AG II Materne, Franziska Marktübersicht Batteriespeicher - Eigenschaften und Unterscheidungsmerkmale 163
2018 22 AG II Schuller, Olver; Genius, Wolf Ökoeffizienzanalyse von Heiz- und Speichersystemen für private Haushalte 165
2018 22 AG III Zakrzewski, Stas The Importance of Embodied Energy in Today's Passive House Design 169 Session III The Importance of Embodied Energy in Today's Passive House Design 161
2018 22 AG III Byrne, Deborah; Arifuzzaman, Andrew 750 Bed University Student Residence; Driving Change for High Performance Building in North American 175 Session III 750 Bed University Student Residence; Driving Change for High Performance Building in North America 167
2018 22 AG III Nicholson, Brandon; Semke, Zack Passive House Proof in Pittsburgh: Profit + Paris Progress 181 Session III Passive House Proof in Pittsburgh: Profit + Paris Progress 173
2018 22 AG III Picciano, Lucio; Studer, Marcel Market Rate Passive Design - Vancouver, BC 187 Session III MARKET RATE PASSIVE DESIGN - VANCOUVER, BC 179
2018 22 AG III Maurer, Alexander Monitoring Canada's Northernmost Passive House 193 Session III Monitoring Canada's Northernmost Passive House 185
2018 22 AG III Wall, Stephanie; Wimmers, Guido A comparative LCA of the Wood Innovation Research Lab: An industrial PH for cold climates 195 Session III A comparative LCA of the Wood Innovation Research Lab: An industrial PH for cold climates 187
2018 22 AG III Fahssi, Elias Calgary, Carbon, and Components: Opportunities for Passive House in “C-Town” 197 Session III Calgary, Carbon, and Components: Opportunities for Passive House in “C-Town” 189
2018 22 AG III Moorhead, Buck Passive Design on the Sly 201 Session II Passive Design on the Sly 193
2018 22 AG III Paulsen, Monte; Montgomery, James Clearing the air: Is flowrate a suffcient measure of kitchen range hood efficacy? 203 Session III Clearing the air: Is flowrate a suffcient measure of kitchen range hood efficacy? 195
2018 22 AG III Zouari, Sonia Passive House Feasibility in Extreme Cold Climates 205 Session III Passive House Feasibility in Extreme Cold Climates 197
2018 22 AG III Peel, Andrew PER assessment of a large mixed-used student dorm 209 Session III PER assessment of a large mixed-used student dorm 201
2018 22 AG III Romano, Adam HANAC Corona: Ensuring Affordability at all Stages od Multifamily Affordable Passive House Construction 211 Session III HANAC Corona: Ensuring Affordability at all Stages od Multifamily Affordable Passive House Construction 203
2018 22 AG IV Colclough, Shane; Mullins, Seamus; Mernagh, John; Sinnott, Derek; Tansey, Peter; Riley, David; Foster, Scott; Hewitt, Neil J; Griffiths, Philip The Passive House standard and its relevance for the implementing nZEB and the Global UN framework for energy efficient buildings. 215 Session IV The Passive House standard and its relevance for the implementing nZEB and the Global UN framework for energy efficient buildings. 207
2018 22 AG IV Knoch, Birgit Luxemburg - nicht nur Banken 221 Session IV Luxembourg - more than just banks 213
2018 22 AG IV Meitern, Maarja Long-term renovation strategies for housing providers: 4 international case studies 227 Session IV Long-term renovation strategies for housing providers: 4 international case studies 219
2018 22 AG IV Herz, Dieter Umsetzung und Sicherstellung der PH-Anforderungen im öffentlichen Bauen 233 Session IV Implementing and securing Passive House requirements in public buildings 225
2018 22 AG IV Grant, Nick; Grylls, Charles Passivhaus for the many not the few 239 Session IV Passivhaus for the many not the few 231
2018 22 AG IV Jedliczka, Günther Bilde dich selbst und dann wirke auf andere durch das, was du bist. Wilhelm von Humboldt 247 Session IV Educate yourself and influence others through what you are. Wilhelm von Humboldt 239
2018 22 AG IV Feirer, Martina; Frankel, Alexandra Passivhaus kinderleicht - Wissensvermittlung für die Bauherren und Baufrauen von morgen 249 Session IV Passive House is child's play - knowledge transfer for the builders of tomorrow 241
2018 22 AG IV Tzanev, Dragomir The Building Knowledge Hubs Network: Successful Implementation of Passive House training courses in South and Eastern Europe 251 Session IV The Building Knowledge Hubs Network: Successful Implementation of Passive House training courses in South and Eastern Europe 243
2018 22 AG IV McKenzie; Fiona Superpod® - Without a certificate, it's just a passive house. Or is it? 253 Session IV Superpod® - Without a certificate, it's just a passive house. Or is it? 245
2018 22 AG IV Kwong, Hauchun; Reichmann, Alexander „Walking Forest„: Ein zertifiziertes Passiv-Stadthaus mit integriertem Kunstwerk 255
2018 22 AG V Bodem, Mario; Aurbach, Markus Passivhaus Schulprojekt - Kostenreduzierung durch Passivhausstandard - betriebserfahrungen und weitere Optimierungsansätze 259 Session V Passive House school project - using Passive House standard to reduce costs - operational experience and additional optimisation strategies 249
2018 22 AG V Horn, Gerrit Wahre Baukosten 265 Session V The real costs of building components 255
2018 22 AG V Spiß, Engelbert Vorzeigeprojekt: Erster Fünf-Euro-Wohnbau im Passivhausstandard in Tirol 271 Session V Showcase project: the first 5-euro residential building to meet the Passive House Standard in Tyrol 261
2018 22 AG V Stein, Britta; von Malottki, Christian Reduktion von Nebenkosten im sozialen Wohnungsbau 277 Session V Reducing ancillary costs in social housing 267
2018 22 AG V Nordhoff, Andreas Colonia: Passivhaus mit 4 kWh/(m²a) für Heizung und Warmwasser, für unter 2000 Euro/m² gebaut 283 Session V Colonia: Passive House with 4 kWh/(m²a) for heating and hot water built for less than 2,000 euros/m² 273
2018 22 AG V Noy, Rebecca Aufwachsen im Passivhaus - Zehn Jahre Erfahrung 289
2018 22 AG V Coasta, A.; Weiß, A.; Pfletscher, A.; Steffan, C. Interdisziplinäre Prozessoptimierung für eine Jugendfreizeitstätte durch Integrale Planung 291
2018 22 AG V Geyer, Felix Passivhaus - auch mit einfacher Technik möglich 293
2018 22 AG V Gstrein, Hannes Flatratemodell - Passivhaus mit Elektroheizung, dezentralen E-Boilern u. fassadenintegrierter PV Anlage 295
2018 22 AG V von Thermann, Edmund Passivhaus der GWG München, Humannweg 1 - Harthof 297
2018 22 AG VI Schöberl, Helmut; Kronberger, Andreas Passivhaussanierung in bewohntem Zustand 301 Session VI Passive House refurbishment on an occupied property 281
2018 22 AG VI Rentzsch, Friedrich-Günther Integrationskindertagesstätte „Wichtel“ in Lübbenau/Spreewald 309 Session VI Wichtel integration nursery in Lübbenau/Spreewald 289
2018 22 AG VI Le Levé, Clemens; Badergruber, Thomas; Flach, Michael Ökologisch sanieren mit einem neuen Fassadensystem am Beispiel des Mayrhofs in Trins 315 Session VI Ecological retrofit with a new façade system using the example of the Mayrhof farmhouse in Trins 295
2018 22 AG VI Schnieders, Jürgen Warum im Altbau nicht so viel geheizt wird wie gedacht - ein Erklärungsversuch 321 Session VI An attempt to explain why old buildings do not consume as much heat as was thought 301
2018 22 AG VI Iannetti, Roberto; Kaufmann, Berthold Verbesserung der Effizienz - Wirtschaftliche Beurteilung der Sanierung einer Wohnanlage in Norditalien 327 Session VI Reconciling efficiency - Economical evaluation of refurbishment for a condominium in Northern Italy 307
2018 22 AG VI Music, Admir; Burkert, Matthias Luftverteilung: Erschließung über die Fassade / Erfahrungen aus dem Forschungsprojekt Sinfonia (A) 329 Session VI Air distribution: utilising the façade/experiences from the Sinfonia research project (A) 309
2018 22 AG VII Buisán, Barambio Premium, ecological and self-sufficient. A house in Mallorca 337 Session VII Premium, ecological and self-sufficient. A house in Mallorca 317
2018 22 AG VII Nesi, Francesco; Iannone, Ileana; Tselifis, Matteo A systematic LCC analysis for the Mediterranean: the wmblematic case of Italy 343 Session VII A systematic LCC analysis for the Mediterranean: the wmblematic case of Italy 323
2018 22 AG VII Pallantzas, Stefan Can a single 2kW Mini-split heat and cool a 100m² passive house? 351 Session VII Can a single 2kW Mini-split heat and cool a 100m² passive house? 331
2018 22 AG VII Oliveira, Rui; Vicente, Romeu; Andrade, Luís; Varajão, Joana; Loureiro, Júlio; Lopes, Emanuel Innovative sustainable construction: Energy independent CLT Passive House for South Europe 357 Session VII Innovative sustainable construction: Energy independent CLT Passive House for South Europe 337
2018 22 AG VII Dobrevski, Svetlin How To Get Cost-Effective Summer Comfort 359 Session VII HOW TO GET COST-EFFECTIVE SUMMER COMFORT 339
2018 22 AG VII Gavião, João; Marcelino, João Passive House in Brazil: different solutions for different climatic conditions 361 Session VII Passive House in Brazil: different solutions for different climatic conditions 341
2018 22 AG VII Stathopoulou, Aggeliki; Pallantzas, Stefan Single family Passive House Plus in Attica, Greece 363 Session VII Single family Passive House Plus in Attica, Greece 343
2018 22 AG VII Russo, Piero; Faganello, Stefano Cost-effective MEP solutions for a multifamily building in Mediterranean climate 365 Session VII Cost-effective MEP solutions for a multifamily building in Mediterranean climate 345
2018 22 AG VII Abercromby, Andrew Keith Construction & evaluation of a complex Passivhaus in the warm climate of Western Australia 367 Session VII Construction & evaluation of a complex Passivhaus in the warm climate of Western Australia 347
2018 22 AG VII Pietrobon, Marco; Pagliano, Lorenzo Monitoring results of a zero energy Passive House with renewables in a Mediterranean climate 369
2018 22 AG VII Clarke, Alan; Godber, Sally Boundary conditions for robust summer comfort predictions in PHPP 371 Session VII Boundary conditions for robust summer comfort predictions in PHPP 351
2018 22 AG VII Treberspurg, Martin; Treberspurg, Christoph; Hofbauer, Wilhelm Sommertauglichekeit im Passivhaus-Wohnbau durch bauteilaktivierte Stahlbetondecken 373 Session VII Summer-proofed Passive House residential buildings with thermally activated reinforced concrete ceilings 353
2018 22 AG VII Arda, Can A Modular Approach to Building Purpose-Oriented Self-Sufficient Structures 375 Session VII A Modular Approach to Building Purpose-Oriented Self-Sufficient Structures 355
2018 22 AG VIII Calvo, Juan; Cuesta, Pablo Passivhaus users and BIM. How to make the most of Revit models on PHPP certifications 379 Session VIII Passivhaus users and BIM. How to make the most of Revit models on PHPP certifications 359
2018 22 AG VIII Martel, Tim Time Saving tools for PHPP 385 Session VIII Time Saving tools for PHPP 365
2018 22 AG VIII Crilly, Michael; Toledo, Linda Convergence and interoperability of BIM with passive design principles 391 Session VIII Convergence and interoperability of BIM with passive design principles 371
2018 22 AG VIII Cremers, Bart; Bakker, Tristan Technologies to overcome effects of codensation in exchangers of ventilation units - analysis of monitored field studies 399 Session VIII Technologies to overcome effects of codensation in exchangers of ventilation units - analysis of monitored field studies 379
2018 22 AG VIII Kalnciems, Krisjanis; Mitrevica, Mare The Passive House standard as the backbone for successful PPP infrastructure development projects 405 Session VIII The Passive House standard as the backbone for successful PPP infrastructure development projects 385
2018 22 AG VIII Hall, Monika; Burger, Bastian PVopti - Stundenbasiertes Designtool zur Bestimmung des Eigenverbrauchs 411
2018 22 AG VIII Kampouropoulos, Konstantinos; Crespo Sánchez, Eva; Marcía i Cid, Jordi; Cases Fàbregas, Laia; Castellà, Marc A novel methodology for the optimisation of the retrofitting actions in building of the tertiary sector 413 Session VIII A novel methodology for the optimisation of the retrofitting actions in building of the tertiary sector 391
2018 22 AG VIII Ottinger, Oliver; Peper, Søren Wärmeverluste durch innenliegende Abwasser- und Regenfallrohre - Monitoring & Modellierung 415 Session VIII Monitoring and modelling heat losses through interior waste pipes and downpipes 393
2018 22 Plenum Schönfeld, Janna Challenge deep energy retrofit: EU framework and support 419 Plenary Session Challenge deep energy retrofit: EU framework and support 397
2018 22 Plenum Heidrich, Frank Grußwort 421 Plenary Session Opening Remarks 399
2018 22 Plenum Schulze Darup, Burkhard Passivhaus - Quo vadis? 423 Plenary Session Passive House - Quo vadis? 401
2018 22 Plenum Burrell, Elrond Love Passive House 433 Plenary Session Love Passive House 413
2018 22 AG IX Lepp, Laszlo; Reich, Mario MPREIS Passivhaus-Supermärkte - eine wirtschaftliche Erfolgsgeschichte 437 Session IX MPREIS Passive House supermarkets - an economic success story 417
2018 22 AG IX Robrecht, Andreas; Kuckelkorn, Jens M. Monitoring und Betriebsoptimierung der Plusenergieschule Schmuttertal-Gymnasium Diedorf 443 Session IX Monitoring and operational optimisation of the Plus Energy school Schmuttertal-Gymnasium in Diedorf 424
2018 22 AG IX Peper, Søren; Hasper, Wolfgang Monitoring: Verwaltungsgebäude der Polizei als Passivhaus 449 Session IX Monitoring: Passive House Quality Administrative Building of the Polive Service 429
2018 22 AG IX Moll, Rainer Gutes Klima im Passivhaus, Probleme und Lösungen 455 Session IX Solving problems arising in maintaining a comfortable indoor climate in the Passive House 435
2018 22 AG IX Reiter, Olaf Konferenzzentrum IHD Dresden ein Vortragssaal neuer Generation 461 Session IX IHD Conference centre in Dresden - the next generation lecture hall 441
2018 22 AG IX Endhardt, Martin Bürogebäude in Hybridbauweise 467 Session IX Office building using hybrid construction 447
2018 22 AG X Krick, Benjamin Chancen für elektrisch versorgte Gebäude im Energiewende-Deutschland 475 Session X Opportunities presented by Germany's energy transition for buildings supplied with electricity 455
2018 22 AG X Schnieders, Jürgen Energiebilanzierung auf Quartiersebene 483 Session X Energy balancing at district level 463
2018 22 AG X Vallentin, Rainer; Mühlhaus, Jens PER-Beteiligungsmodell mit Nachhaltigkeits-Baustein 489 Session X PER investment model with a sustainability component 469
2018 22 AG X Grove-Smith, Jessica Aktive Kühlung im Kontext einer erneuerbaren Energieversorgung 495 Session X Active cooling in the context of a renewable energy supply 477
2018 22 AG X Vallentin, Rainer; Schröferl, Martin Energieautakes Passivhaus 501 Session X Energy autonomous Passiv House 483
2018 22 AG X Reinwald, Martin; Hochhuber, Josef Energiespeicherung und Stromnetzregelung mit hocheffizienten Gebäuden - Windheizung 2.0 507 Session X Energy storage and grid regulation for highly efficient buildings - wind heating 2.0 489
2018 22 AG X Slonski, Matthias; Klärner, Michael Wege vom Passivhaus zum Plusenergiehaus 513
2018 22 AG X Deimel, Christoph Klimaanpassung Sommerkomfort-Plusenergiehaus Tuttlingerweg 515
2018 22 AG XI Rongen, Ludwig; Wirtz, Reiner SAYYAS Passivhaus-Fensterfabrik, Harbin (Nordchina) 519 Session XI SAYYAS Passive House window factory in Harbin (Northern China) 497
2018 22 AG XI Bingtao, Deng The development and mode exploration of passive ultra-low energy buildings in China 525 Session XI The development and mode exploration of passive ultra-low energy buildings in China 503
2018 22 AG XI Lu, Mingzhe; Zhao, Xing Praktische Experimente und Implementierung des Passivhauses in China 531 Session XI Practical experiments and implementation of the Passive House concept in China 509
2018 22 AG XI Lee, Myoungju; Lee, Eungshin; Lim, Inyok; Kim, Jeongun Application of Passive House Standard Technique on the First Zero Energy Houseing Complex in Nowon District, Korea 537 Session XI Application of Passive House Standard Technique on the First Zero Energy Houseing Complex in Nowon District, Korea 515
2018 22 AG XI Zou, Aijuan; Hu, Yiheng; Liu, Yulin Passive House HVAC System Design Case Study 543 Session XI Passive House HVAC System Design Case Study 521
2018 22 AG XI Frey, Wolfgang Strategien wirtschaftlicher Mechanismen zur Realisierbarkeit innovativer Bau-Konzepte 549
2018 22 AG XI Li, Jungchao Vorgefertigte Passivhaus-Modulbauren für die Mongolei 551
2018 22 AG XI Ring, Sven One Year Later - Evalutating Energy Consumption and Comfort in Quingdao Passive House Technology Experience Center 553
2018 22 AG XI Zhicai, Han; Chenbo, Tianjin The Application of GEPS in Chinese Passive Houses 555 Session XI The Application of GEPS in Chinese Passive Houses 527
2018 22 AG XII Mitchell, Rachel; Natarajan, Sukumar Providing Passivhaus: Post occupancy evaluation of certified Passivhaus homes in the UK 559 Session XII Providing Passivhaus: Post occupancy evaluation of certified Passivhaus homes in the UK 531
2018 22 AG XII Clarke, Alan; Grant, Nick; Jarvis, Andy Next Generation Passivhaus Archives 565 Session XII Next Generation Passivhaus Archives 537
2018 22 AG XII Menendez, Jesus A Passivhaus Photo Set Studio: Project and User Experiences 571 Session XII A Passivhaus Photo Set Studio: Project and User Experiences 543
2018 22 AG XII Dixon, Bertie Efficient heat system design in large PassivHaus multifamily buildings; UK experience 577 Session XII Efficient heat system design in large PassivHaus multifamily buildings; UK experience 549
2018 22 AG XII Bradshaw, Frances Moisture, embodied energy & other qualities of natural materials 583 Session XII Moisture, embodied energy & other qualities of natural materials 555
2018 22 AG XII Stephens, Mark Designing with the vernacular in relation to planning & Passivhaus - An Irish Perspective 585 Session XII Designing with the vernacular in relation to planning & Passivhaus - An Irish Perspective 557
2018 22 AG XII Sutherland, Julian Hampshire Passivhaus - Site Sensitive design for health, wellbeing and low carbon living 591 Session XII Hampshire Passivhaus Site Sensitive design for health, wellbeing and low carbon living 563
2018 22 AG XII Miščević, Ljubomir; Miščević, Mark First ECO-SANDWICH® House - Aesthetics of Social Housing Passive House with prefabricated wall panels 599 Session XII First ECO-SANDWICH® House - Aesthetics of Social Housing Passive House with prefabricated wall panels 571
2018 22 AG XII Tresidder, Esmond Scottish Passive House as wind-energy buffers 605 Session XII Scottish Passive House as wind-energy buffers 577
2018 22 AG XII Dehlin, Stefan Passive house construction in sub-arctic climate 607 Session XII Passive house construction in sub-arctic climate 579
2018 22 AG XII Monteyne, Hugo; Lazova, Marija; Laverge, Jelle; De Paepe, Michel Remaining energy requirement of a residential passive house in Belgium using PV and energy storage. 609 Session XII Remaining energy requirement of a residential passive house in Belgium using PV and energy storage. 581
2018 22 AG XII Riis Dietz, Søren Passive and active cooling in 3 PH row houses in DK. 611 Session XII Passive and active cooling in 3 PH row houses in DK. 583
2018 22 AG XIII Bräunlich, Kristin Component Award 2018 Lüftung kostengünstig - „das geht“ 615 Session XII Component Award 2018 - ventilation can be affordable 587
2018 22 AG XIII Stärz, Norbert Lüftung im Wohnungsbau - zentral oder dezentral, oder irgendwo dazwischen? 621 Session XIII Ventilation in housing - centralised, decentralised or somewhere in between? 593
2018 22 AG XIII Schulz, Tanja; Kah, Oliver; Bräunlich, Kristin Neue Konzepte der kontrollierten Lüftung: Bauteilintegrierte Lüftung im Wohnbau 627 Session XIII New concepts for controlled ventilation: component-integrated ventilation in residential construction 601
2018 22 AG XIII Strobl, Thomas; Wirnsberger, Markus; Krause, Harald Einfache Lüftungssysteme für Wohngebäude - Untersuchungen in einer Forschungswohnung 635 Session XIII Simple ventilation systems for residential buildings - investigations in a research apartment 609
2018 22 AG XIII Kah, Oliver Sommerkomfort im Wohnbau: zusätzliche Kühlpotentale / neuer Bewertungsansatz 641 Session XIII Summer comfort in residential buildings: additional cooling potential/new assessment approach 615
2018 22 AG XIII Rojas, Gabriel; Delp, Woody; Singer, Brett C. Umluftdunstabzüge im Test - Können die Filter den (Ultra-)Feinstaubeintrag beim Kochen reduzieren? 649 Session XIII Testing recirculating cooker hoods - Can their filter reduce (ultra)fine particale loads during cooking? 623
2018 22 AG XIII Goebel, Matthias Luftheizung und Behaglichkeit, neue Anlagenkonzepte machen es möglich?! 653 Session XIII Air heating and comfort - can new system designs make this possible? 627
2018 22 AG XIII Solcher, Oliver; Rolfsmeier, Stefanie Natürliche Differenzdrücke über die Gebäudehülle - Ergebnisse von Langzeitmessungen 655
2018 22 AG XIII Feist, Mirko Systemoptimierung: Vom Minimalmonitoring zur Präzisionsmessung 657 Session XIII System optimisation: from minimal monitoring to precision measuring 629
2018 22 AG XIV Opitsch, Wolf; Vallentin, Gernot; Lemoni, Margarita Ökologische Mustersiedlung im Prinz Eugen Park - Rahmenplan der Stadt München mit Umsetzung bei der Passivhauswohnanlage der Baugemeinschaft TEAM³ 661 Session XIV Ecological model housing development in Prinz Eugen Park 633
2018 22 AG XIV Leitschuh, Stefan Lebenszyklusanalyse von Wohngebäuden 667 Session XIV Life cycle analysis of residential buildings 639
2018 22 AG XIV Sutter, Christoph; Hatt, Tobias Ökobilanzen mit HEROES - vereinfachte Erfassung und ganzheitliche Bewertung von Wohngebäuden 679 Session XIV The HEROES ecobalance - simplified data recording and holistic assessment for residential buildings 651
2018 22 AG XIV Speigner, Simon Holzwohnbau Hummelkaserne, Graz, Österreich 685 Session XIV Hummelkaserne timber housing complex, Graz, Austria 657
2018 22 AG XIV Lütkemeyer, Ingo; Salbeck, Mathias; Korhammer, Susanne Stadtwerke Neustadt - Nullemissionsgebäude in nachhaltiger Bauweise 691 Session XIV Stadtwerke Neustadt - a zero-emission building completed using sustainable construction 663
2018 22 AG XIV Vallentin, Gernot Ästhetik der Raumklimatik 697 Session XIV The aesthetics aspects of indoor climate control 669
2018 22 AG XV Norwood, Zack; Archer, Dan-Eric; Theoboldt, Ingo Evaluation of a step-by-step million program deep retrofit to passive house with building integrated PV roof and façade 705 Session XV Evaluation of a step-by-step million program deep retrofit to passive house with building integrated PV roof and façade 677
2018 22 AG XV Ingui, Michael Game Changing Realities 713 Session XV Game Changing Realities 685
2018 22 AG XV Style, Oliver; Fulcarà, Vincenç Step-by-step or one big jump? A multi-story residential EnerPHit project in Girona, Spain 719 Session XV Step-by-step or one big jump? A multi-story residential EnerPHit project in Girona, Spain 691
2018 22 AG XV Steiger, Jan; Frank, Yetsuh A New York high-rise retrofit study 725 Session XV A New York high-rise retrofit study 697
2018 22 AG XV Pardo Calderón, Esteban Pilot Office Building from the National Government of Spain meets Passive House and BREEAM 731 Session XV Pilot Office Building from the National Government of Spain meets Passive House and BREEAM 703
2018 22 AG XV Vicente, Romeu; Oliveira, Rui; Melo, Bernardo; Varum, Artur Running after the Passive House Concept: Adaption of a three storey building in execution 737 Session XIV Running after the Passive House Concept: Adaption of a three storey building in execution 709
2018 22 AG XV Rodrigues, Fernanda; Dinis Alves; Ana; Costa, Aníbal; Álvares, Manuela Energy retrofit of a historic heritage building in Oporto 739 Session XV Energy retrofit of a historic heritage building in Oporto 711
2018 22 AG XV Petran, Horia; Varga, Szabolcs; Petcu, Cristian Renovation of a 1977 experimental house to the Passive House and national nZEB standards 741 Session XV Renovation of a 1977 experimental house to the Passive House and national nZEB standards 713
2018 22 AG XVI Meyer-Olbersleben, Michael Passivhaus-Museum, Qualitätssicherung, PH-Musterhäuser und 1 Mio m² Bauland 745 Session XV Passive House museum, quality assurance, PH model houses and 1 million m² of building land 717
2018 22 AG XVI Langenkamp, Olav A system facade integrating heating, ventilation and energy production 749 Session XV A system facade integrating heating, ventilation and energy production 721
2018 22 AG XVI Mikeska, Tomas; Feist, Mirko Messung und Zertifizierung von Luft-Luft-Wärmepumpen bei Berücksichtigung realistischer Betriebsbedingungen 751 Session XVI Measurement and certification of air-to-air heat pumps based on realistic operating conditions 723
2018 22 AG XVI Bonilauri, Enrico External vs internal air tightness: understanding risks and potential savings in climate-specific solutions 757 Session XVI External vs internal air tigthtness: understanding risks and potential savings in climate-specific solutions 729
2018 22 AG XVI Schulze, Michael; Sevela, Pavel Drain Water Heat Recovery - technology principles and planning recommendations 763 Session XVI Drain Water Heat Recovery - technology principles and planning recommendations 735
2018 22 AG XVI Varga, Szabolcs; Petran, Horia Life cycle cost assessment of a small cost-effective Passive House in Eastern Europe 769 Session XVI Life cycle cost assessment of a small cost-effective Passive House in Eastern Europe 741
2018 22 AG XVI Shin, Jooyun; Leigh, Seung-Bok Energy Consumption Analysis of Ventilation Cooling Applied in an Office Building in Korea 771 Session XVI Energy Consumption Analysis of Ventialtion Cooling Applied in an Office Building in Korea 743
2018 22 Plenum Hochhuber, Josef; Feist, Wolfgang; Kreutzer, Simone; Freundorfer, Franz; Wassouf, Micheel; Krapmeier, Helmut „Passivhaus - das lohnt sich!„ Wie hohe Energieeffizienz auf regionaler Ebene tatsächlich umsetzen lässt 777 Plenary Session 'Passive house - it's worth it!' How to effectively implement high energy efficiency at the regional level 749
2017 21 Vorwort Feist, Wolfgang Vorwort des Herausgebers 5 Preface Preface by the editor 5
2017 21 Grußwort Chorherr, Christoph Grußwort 9 Opening Remarks Opening Remarks 9
2017 21 Grußwort Ludwig, Michael Grußwort 11 Opening Remarks Opening Remarks 11
2017 21 Grußwort Liebel, Günter Grußwort 13 Opening Remarks Opening Remarks 13
2017 21 Grußwort Paula, Michael Grußwort 15 Opening Remarks Opening Remarks 15
2017 21 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Passivhaus - überzeugende Lösung für das NZEB 69 Plenary Session Passive House - a convincing solution for NZEB 65
2017 21 AG I Treberspurg, Martin Zukunftssichere Architektur in solarer Passivhausbauweise 83 Session I Architecture for the future - solar Passive House buildings 79
2017 21 AG I Feirer, Martina; Frankel, Alexandra mineroom Leoben - Passivhaus Studierenden-Wohnheim in Holzbauweise 91 Session I mineroom Leoben - Timbered Passive House student dormitory 87
2017 21 AG I Ploss, Martin Effizienz ist wirtschaftlich - Ergebnisse des Vorarlberger Modellvorhabens KliNaWo 97 Session I Energy efficiency makes economic sense - results of the KliNaWo model project in Vorarlberg 93
2017 21 AG I Kopeinig, Gerhard Sanierung eines denkmalgeschützten Feuerwehrhauses zu einer Musikschule in Velden am Wörthersee (AT) 109 Session I Retrofitting and converting a protected fire station into a music school in Velden am Wörthersee, Austria 105
2017 21 AG I Sonnleithner, Manfred 15 Jahre Wohnen im Passivhaus 115 Session I Living in a Passive House - 15 years on 111
2017 21 AG I Herzog, Bernhard; Artner, Lucas SMART CAMPUS der Wiener Netze - ein nachhaltiges Megaprojekt mit Werkstätten, Hochregallager, Betriebsführungswarte und Büros für ges. 1500 Mitarbeiter / 90.000m²BGF 121
2017 21 AG II Streicher, Wolfgang; Ilmer, Alois; Pfluger, Rainer; Mautner, Petra; Kleewein, Klaus Das EU Smart City Demonstrationsprojekt SINFONIA in Innsbruck und Bozen 125 Session II The SINFONIA EU smart city demonstration project in Innsbruck and Bolzano 119
2017 21 AG II Spiß, Engelbert EU Projekt Sinfonia - Umsetzung NEUE HEIMAT TIROL 131 Session II EU Sinfonia project - implemented by NEUE HEIMAT TIROL 125
2017 21 AG II Neumann, Werder Gesamtenergiekonzept - Gmeinschaftliche effiziente Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien 137 Session II Comprehensive energy strategy - efficient community use of renewable energy 131
2017 21 AG II Malzer, Harald Konrad; Lepp, Laszlo; Weber, Jens Erik SINFONIA-Leitfaden für Niedrigstenergie-Stadtteile - 149 Session II SINFONIA guideline for nearly zero energy neighbourhoods - 143
2017 21 AG II Bastian, Zeno Der EnerPHit-Sanierungsplan 155 Session II The EnerPHit Retrofit Plan 149
2017 21 AG II Ottinger, Oliver; Gressier, Florian; Hohm, Melanie; Peper, Soeren Stromsparberatung für Haushalte: Der nächste Schritt auf dem Weg zum NZEB 161 Session II Electric Energy Efficiency for Households: The next step towards the NZEB 157
2017 21 AG II Pfeier, Dominik; Streicher, Wolfgang; Dobler, Claudia; Fischer, Daniel; Frenckell, Beatrix; Mautner, Petra GIS basierender Bottom-Up-Ansatz zur räumlichen Bilanzierung des Strom- und Wärmebedarfs in Innsbruck 163
2017 21 AG II Richtfeld, Alexander; Kinzel, Heike; Ilmer, Alois; Streicher, Wolfgang Monitoring im Zuge des EU-Projektes Sinfonia 165
2017 21 AG III Fasouli, Myrtia EnerPHit on London's heritage properties: Adams Row Case Study 169 Session III EnerPHit on London's heritage properties: Adams Row Case Study 161
2017 21 AG III Pardo Calderon, Esteban First EnerPHit Experience in Spanish Historical Heritage 175 Session III First EnerPHit Experience in Spanish Historical Heritage 175
2017 21 AG III Zakrzewski, Stas Strategies to Retrofit Typical Existing US Housing Stock into EnerPHit and Ener PHit Plus 181 Session III Strategies to Retrofit Typical Existing US Housing Stock into EnerPHit and Ener PHit Plus 173
2017 21 AG III Sternová, Zuzana; Grünner, Roman Deep renovation of a residential building towards the NZEB standard 187 Session III Deep renovation of a residential building towards the NZEB standard 179
2017 21 AG III Bianchi Janetti, Michele Numerical investigation of the moisture risk at beam ends in buildings with internal insulation 193 Session III Numerical investigation of the moisture risk at beam ends in buildings with internal insulation 185
2017 21 AG III Augustin, Martin Retrofit of an 80-year-old residential row house to Passive House standard in a heritage protection area 195 Session III Retrofit of an 80-year-old residential row house to Passive House standard in a heritage protection area 187
2017 21 AG III Coyle, Daniel Proof of concept: EnerPHit retrofit is viable for widespread application in Ireland 197 Session III Proof of concept: EnerPHit retrofit is viable for widespread application in Ireland 189
2017 21 AG III Ingui, Michael Better Design and Community through Passive House 199 Session III Better Design and Community through Passive House 191
2017 21 AG III Cho, In; Shields, Timothy; D'Silva, Karena; Shea, Maureen A Passive House mosaic for a NYX urban infill residential retrofit and extension 201 Session III A Passive House mosaic for a NYC urban infill residential retrofit and extension 193
2017 21 AG III Volf, Martin; Lupíšek, Antonín; Hejtmánek, Petr Modular solutions for deep energy retrofitting - introduction and progress of the MORE-CONNECTn project 203 Session III Modular solutions for deep energy retrofitting - introduction and progress of the MORE-CONNECTn project 195
2017 21 AG IV Todd, James; Selby, Gareth The Enterprise Centre, University of East Anglia by Architype 207 Session IV The Enterprise Centre, University of East Anglia by Architype 199
2017 21 AG IV Nesi, Francesco; Larcher, Marco; Bombasaro, Andrea; Iannone, Ileana “La Provvidenza”: Passivhaus energy retrofit of a large non-residential building in Italy 213 Session IV “La Provvidenza”: Passivhaus energy retrofit of a large non-residential building in Italy 213
2017 21 AG IV Vallentin, Gernot Bildungsstätten in unterschiedlichen Klimaten - ein Praxisvergleich 219 Session IV Educational facilities in different climates - a practical comparison 211
2017 21 AG IV Ryall, William Artists' Residence, Vermont USA 225 Session IV Artists' Residence, Vermont USA 217
2017 21 AG IV McCarron, Barry CREST - Centre for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies 231 Session IV CREST - Centre for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technologies 223
2017 21 AG IV McNally, Paul Ireland's First PassivHaus Pharmacy 239 Session IV Ireland's First PassivHaus Pharmacy 239
2017 21 AG V Nocke, Bettina; Jähnig, Dagmar; Fink, Christian; Venus, David Fassadenintegrierte Haustechnik für die hochwertige Sanierung von Mehrfamilienhäusern 243 Session V Façade-integrated building services for the high quality retrofit of multi-family houses 235
2017 21 AG V Österreicher, Doris; Sattler, Stefan; Treberspurg, Martin Sanierung unter Denkmalschutz mit Passivhauskomponenten 249 Session V Renovating a protected building with Passive House components 241
2017 21 AG V Worch, Anatol Mit Innendämmung zum Passivhaus? Einflussgrößen - Systeme - Möglichkeiten - Grenzen 255 Session V PH with iterior insulation? Influencing variables-systems-possibilities-limits 247
2017 21 AG V Freundorfer, Franz Drei auf einen Streich: Hülle, Fenster und Lüftung als EnerPHit Innovation! 261 Session V Three in one go: EnerPHit innovation combines envelope, window and ventilation! 253
2017 21 AG V Bastian, Zeno Der EnerPHit-Sanierungsplan 267 Session V The EnerPHit Retrofit Plan 259
2017 21 AG V Schöberl, Helmut Ein Passivhaus als weltweit erster Plus-Energie-Dachgeschossausbau im Herzen von Wien 273
2017 21 AG V Höfler, Karl PLUS-Energiegebäude in der Sanierung - ein Praxis-Faktencheck! 275
2017 21 AG VI Horn, Phillip; Beigelböck, Barbara; Lindmeier, Ines; Eder, Katharina Energieverbrauch im Passivbürobau - Entwicklung und Betriebserfahrung 279 Session VI Energy concumption in passive office buildings - development and operational experience 269
2017 21 AG VI Selke, Tim ENERGYbase im Reality Check - Sieben Jahre energetischer Betrieb einer Passivhaus Büroimmobilie in Wien 285 Session VI Reality check for th ENERGYbase - seven years of energy operations at a Passive House office property in Vienna 275
2017 21 AG VI Rolfsmeier, Stefanie; Simons, Paul Luftdichtheitsmessung in einem großen und hohen Passivhaus (MFH) bei Wind und Thermik 291 Session VI Measuring airthigtness in a large, high multi-family Passive House when exposed to wind and thermal currents 281
2017 21 AG VI Tepe, Rainer; Heitland, Christoph Betriebserfahrungen mit PH-Anlagentechnik im „zero:e park“ 297 Session VI Operating experiences with PH systems technology in the “zero:e park” 289
2017 21 AG VI Oehler, Stefan Berechnung des Rebound Effekts 303
2017 21 AG VI Feist, Wolfgang; Peper, Søren; Krick, Benjamin Addendum des Herausgebers 309
2017 21 AG VI Peper, Søren; Schulz, Tanja; Hasper, Wolfang; Ottinger, Oliver Inbetriebnahme und Betriebsoptimierung als Erfolgsfaktoren für energieeffiziente Gebäude 313 Session VI Commissioning and operational optimisation as success factors for energy-efficient buildings 295
2017 21 AG VI Schirmer, Stefan Qualitätssicherung am Bau - herausforderung bei der Umsetzung des Passivhauses in China 319 Session VI Quality assurance during construction - challenges faced when building Passive Houses in China 303
2017 21 AG VI Imkeller-Benjes, Ulrich Konzept zur individuellen Ansprache der Nutzer einer Passivhausschule 321
2017 21 AG VII Infante Barbossa, Ernesto; Reyes Bernal, Elena EcoCasa SHF-LAIF: Introducing Social Passive Houses in Mexico 325 Session VII EcoCasa SHF-LAIF: Introducing Social Passive Houses in Mexico 307
2017 21 AG VII Mori, Miwa Measured Data of Supply Air Cooling in Ibaraki PH 331 Session VII Measured Data of Supply Air Cooling in Ibaraki PH 313
2017 21 AG VII Pallantzas, Stefan; Pappas, Ioannis Passivistas EnerPHit Project in Atehns: One year overall measurements, one year of living 337 Session VII Passivistas EnerPHit Project in Atehns: One year overall measurements, one year of living 319
2017 21 AG VII Filippi, Marco; Dorigo, Michele; Bonotto, Mauro Office Building certified to Passive House Standard in Dubai, UAE 343 Session VII Office Building certified to Passive House Standard in Dubai, UAE 325
2017 21 AG VII Tribus, Michael; Faganello, Stefano PASSIVE HOUSE PREMIUM in a warm and humid climate in Italy with ventilation system for both heating and cooling 349 Session VII PASSIVE HOUSE PREMIUM in a warm and humid climate in Italy with ventilation system for both heating and cooling 331
2017 21 AG VII Schnieders, Jürgen Simulating air humidity correctly: taking measurements to validate hygrothermal building simulations using DYNBIL 355 Session VII Simulating air humidity correctly: taking measurements to validate hygrothermal building simulations using DYNBIL 337
2017 21 AG VII Merigo, Alessandro Optimal System for a Mediterranean Climate (such as Italian) 357 Session VII Optimal System for a Mediterranean Climate (such as Italian) 339
2017 21 AG VII Castaño, Juan Manuel LOW TECH PH in one of the hottest places in Europe. Warm climate strategies with PHPP 359 Session VII LOW TECH PH in one of the hottest places in Europe. Warm climate strategies with PHPP 341
2017 21 AG VII Watanabe, Takamitsu Heizen und Kühlen mit Klimasplitgerät, Verteilung über Umluft 361
2017 21 AG VIII Goossen, Carl-Peter Integrated Project Delivery through Building information Model renovation Presikhaaf Arnhem 365 Session VIII Integrated Project Delivery through Building information Model renovation Presikhaaf Arnhem 345
2017 21 AG VIII Ottinger, Oliver; Feng, Tianyuan; Rupps, Waldemar; Schulz, Tanja; Grove-Smith, Jessica Feuchtebewertung weltweit 371 Session VIII Assessing moisture around the world 351
2017 21 AG VIII Cristol, Johan Export Building Information Modeling into PHPP 383 Session VIII Export Building Information Modeling into PHPP 363
2017 21 AG VIII Stieldorf, Karin Passive house standard as a target standard for architects and an important criterion in the design education of architects 387 Session VIII Passive house standard as a target standard for architects and an important criterion in the design education of architects 367
2017 21 AG VIII Gollwitzer, Esther Berechnung: Fenstereinbau vereinfacht 395 Session VIII Simplified calculation for window installations 375
2017 21 AG VIII Edwards, David Determination of shading reduction factors for PHPP / dsignPH from a 3D computer model 399 Session VIII Determination of shading reduction factors for PHPP / dsignPH from a 3D computer model 379
2017 21 AG VIII Harrmann, André From Scribbled Cheat Sheets to Helpful Tools 401 Session VIII From Scribbled Cheat Sheets to Helpful Tools 381
2017 21 AG VIII Paulsen, Monte PHPP Anonymous: Lessons learned from the Vancouver-area PHPP users group 403 Session VIII PHPP Anonymous: Lessons learned from the Vancouver-area PHPP users group 383
2017 21 AG VIII Rose, Clarence The PHPP as “nZEB-tool”: building physics are key to tipping point in the Dutch building sector 405 Session VIII The PHPP as “nZEB-tool”: building physics are key to tipping point in the Dutch building sector 385
2017 21 Plenum Lang, Günter Passivhaus für Alle - The Road to Zero 409 Plenary Session Passive Houses for all - the road to zero 389
2017 21 Plenum Jedliczka, Günther Passive Houses for Active Students! Eine Erfolgsgeschichte 415 Plenary Session Passive Houses for Active Students! A success story 397
2017 21 Plenum Bottermann, Heinrich Den menschlichen Entwicklungsraum innerhalb planetarer Belastungsgrenzen zukunftsfähig gestalten: „Nachhaltigkeit im Bauwesen„ 421 Plenary Session Sustainability in construction 403
2017 21 AG IX Ronacher, Herwig Forschungsprojekte zum Passivhaus und Plus Energie Haus im ländlichen Umfeld 427 Session IX Research projects relating to Passive Houses and Plus Energy Houses in rural settings 409
2017 21 AG IX Großklos, Marc Betriebserfahrungen eines Passivhauses mit Energiegewinn 433 Session IX Operational experience of a Passive House with energy gains 417
2017 21 AG IX Steinmüller, Bernd; Wirtz, Reiner; Kandziora, Markus Schritte vom Siedlungshaus der 50er Jahre Richtugn EnerPHIT-/Passivhaus-Plus 439 Session IX Progress in construction from the 1950s detached house to the EnerPHIT/Passive House Plus of today 423
2017 21 AG IX Herz, Dieter Passivhaus Plus und Premium in der Praxis 445 Session IX Passive House Plus and Premium in practice 429
2017 21 AG IX Kreutzer, Simone Das Passivhaus - Gekommen um zu Bleiben 453 Session IX Passive House - here to stay 437
2017 21 AG IX Meyer-Olbersleben, Michael Erfahrungen aus einem baubiologischen Passivhaus 459
2017 21 AG X David, Alexander; Schöberl, Helmut Comparison of the designed and the measured performance of TU Wien's refurbished high-rise 463 Session X Comparison of the designed and the measured performance of TU Wien's refurbished high-rise 463
2017 21 AG X Coughlin, Brittany; Love, Christy; Lepage, Robert Passive House in Canada: Case Studies on a Near EnerPhit Retrofit and Post-Occupancy Research 469 Session X Passive House in Canada: Case Studies on a Near EnerPhit Retrofit and Post-Occupancy Research 451
2017 21 AG X Arena, Lois; Sacks Rosenberg, Arianna; Falk, Luke; Moelis, Deborah Cornell Tech: High-Rise Buildings and Passive House 463 Session X Cornell Tech: High-Rise Buildings and Passive House 463
2017 21 AG X Velázquez Arizmendi, Germán 361-Unit Passivhaus Social Housing in Bolueta, Bilbao, SPAIN 487 Session X 361-Unit Passivhaus Social Housing in Bolueta, Bilbao, SPAIN 469
2017 21 AG X Judah, Ilana Passivhaus Feeling Higher: What It Takes to Make a High-Rise Passive 493 Session X Passivhaus Feeling Higher: What It Takes to Make a High-Rise Passive 475
2017 21 AG X Daly, Rupert Woodside High-Rise: Bridging Thermal Inequality 499 Session X Woodside High-Rise: Bridging Thermal Inequality 481
2017 21 AG XI Höfer, Richard; Bretzke, Axel Regenerative Wärmeversorgung von Passivhäusern im Smart Grid 507 Session XI Renewable heating supply in Passive Houses on the smart grid 489
2017 21 AG XI Krick, Benjamin Mit strombasierten Versorgungskonzepten zu effizienten und wirtschaftlichen Lösungen 513 Session XI Efficient and cost-effective solutions using power-based supply concepts 495
2017 21 AG XI Sigg, Ferdinand; Krause, Harald Modellierung und Bewertung von strombasierten Versorgungskonzepten für hocheffiziente Gebäude 521 Session XI Modelling and evaluating power-based supply concepts for highly-efficient buildings 505
2017 21 AG XI Kunkel, Sven; Kübel-Heising, Felix; Mai, Tri; Rädle, Matthias; Steinbächer, Hans-Jürgen; Repke, Jens-Uwe Neuartiges Konzept zur Gewinnung und Speicherung thermischer Energie in Privathaushalten 527 Session XI New concept for the production and storage of thermal energy in private households 511
2017 21 AG XI Handler, Simon; Kreč, Klaus Konditionierung und Energiespeicherung im PH mittels thermischer Aktivierung von Sthalbetondecken 533 Session XI Using thermally activated reinforced concrete ceilings for conditioning and energy storage in the Passive House (PH) 517
2017 21 AG XI Stärz, Norbert Praxis der TGA - am Beispiel eines großen MFH 539
2017 21 AG XI Gerbit, Maxim “No-carbon-future” building technology 541 Session XI “No-carbon-future” building technology 523
2017 21 AG XI Salman Gurcan, Tugba Passive House meets with Smart Home in a real life project 543 Session XI Passive House meets with Smart Home in a real life project 525
2017 21 AG XII Dobrevski, Svetlin Climate zones with hot summer and cold winter - Build a Passive House! 547 Session XII Climate zones with hot summer and cold winter - Build a Passive House! 529
2017 21 AG XII Gavião, João; Marcelino, João The first Certified Passive House on the touristic sector in Portugal 553 Session XII The first Certified Passive House on the touristic sector in Portugal 535
2017 21 AG XII Nagy, Csaba Fairytale Kindergarten 559 Session XII Fairytale Kindergarten 541
2017 21 AG XII Szekér, Lászlo New Passive Houses in Hungary 565 Session XII New Passive Houses in Hungary 547
2017 21 AG XII Bonilauri, Enrico Better climate zone mapping for Passive House components in different countries 567 Session XII Better climate zone mapping for Passive House components in different countries 549
2017 21 AG XII Parry, Clare Changing the Game: The Contractor Experience in Australia 569 Session XII Changing the Game: The Contractor Experience in Australia 551
2017 21 AG XII Bunyesc, Josep Retrofit and extension of a public comunity centre in Barcelona of 'positive energy' balance 575 Session XII Retrofit and extension of a public comunity centre in Barcelona of 'positive energy' balance 557
2017 21 AG XII Oliveira, Rui; Vicente, Romeu; Bilelo, António; Figueiredo Energy retrofit of a 1970's masonry building in a South European Country 577 Session XII Energy retrofit of a 1970's masonry building in a South European Country 559
2017 21 AG XII Balla, Chetna Role of Passivhaus principles to improve comfort in tropical climate of Bangalore, India 579 Session XII Role of Passivhaus principles to improve comfort in tropical climate of Bangalore, India 561
2017 21 AG XII Mangaroska, Viktorija; Mangaroski, Kosto Green Buildings and the Passive House Standard for the Climate Conditions in Macedonia 581 Session XII Green Buildings and the Passive House Standard for the Climate Conditions in Macedonia 563
2017 21 AG XII Varga, Szabolcs; Petran, Horia Thermal bridge free passive house foundation design in the Romanian seismic region 587 Session XII Thermal bridge free passive house foundation design in the Romanian seismic region 569
2017 21 AG XIII Knotzer, Arnim Best Practice Schulgebäude mit Einsatz vorgefertigter, passivhaustauglicher Holzelemente 591 Session XIII Best practice for retrofitting school buildings with prefabricated wood modules suitable for Passive Houses 573
2017 21 AG XIII Herz, Dieter Hotelbauten im Passivhausstandard - Eine Erfolgsgeschichte 597 Session XIII Passive House hotels - a success story 579
2017 21 AG XIII Wohlfahrt, Matthias; Schnieders, Jürgen Passivhaus-Supermärkte in Hannover - Statusbericht aus zwei Jahren Betriebserfahrung 605 Session XIII Passive House supermarkets in Hanover - Status report on two years' operating experience 587
2017 21 AG XIII Röthele, Erik Exklusiv und trotzdem wirtschaftlich 611 Session XIII Unique and yet cost-efficient 595
2017 21 AG XIII Schneider, Ursula Zukunftsfähig Wohnen: JAspern 617 Session XIII Sustainable living: JAspern 601
2017 21 AG XIII Berger, Michael Kindergarten Velden am Wörthersee 623
2017 21 AG XIII Wildmann, Michael Entwicklungsschub durch inter- und transdisziplinäre Design- und Planungsprozesse 625
2017 21 AG XIII Ryznar, Franz Passivhaus trifft Gemeinwohl-Ökonomie 627
2017 21 AG XIII Höffle, Ingo Unser Weg zum Passivhaus - Fünf zertifizierte Büro-Passivhäuser in drei Jahren 629
2017 21 AG XIII Vallentin, Rena Passivhaus gestalten mit ArchitekturNatur 631
2017 21 AG XIV Nicholson, Brandon The ROCIS Initiative: How Buildings can Protect Occupants from Outdoor Air Pollution 635 Session XIV The ROCIS Initiative: How Buildings can Protect Occupants from Outdoor Air Pollution 609
2017 21 AG XIV Kaufmann, Berthold Monitoring Office PH building in ZhuoZhuo, China 641 Session XIV Monitoring Office PH building in ZhuoZhuo, China 615
2017 21 AG XIV Cunz, Thilo Passive House standard for high-rise buildings in China 647 Session XIV Passive House standard for high-rise buildings in China 621
2017 21 AG XIV Kaufmann, Berthold; Lepp, Laszlo; Rongen, Ludwig; Tribus, Michael; Vallentin, Gernot The Passive House Technology Experience Center (PHTEC) in Qingdao, China 653 Session XIV The Passive House Technology Experience Center (PHTEC) in Qingdao, China 627
2017 21 AG XIV Cieslok, Joachim Technik für das „Passive House Technology Experience Center“, Sino-German Ecopark Qingdao 659 Session XIV Technology for the Passive House Technology Experience Center at the Sino-German Ecology Park in Qingdao 633
2017 21 AG XIV Shouqiang, Ni Passivhäuser und Passivhaus Fenster in China 665 Session XIV Windows - a new chapter in making buildings energy-efficient 639
2017 21 AG XIV Frey, Wolfgang Passivhäuser in China 671 Session XIV Passive Houses in China 645
2017 21 AG XIV Ni, Xin; Xing, Chao A living sunshade system 673 Session XIV A living sunshade system 647
2017 21 AG XV Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang Prüfung von Kompaktgeräten mit drehzahlgeregelten Kompressoren und Enthalpieübertragern 677 Session XV Testing compact units with speed-controlled compressors and ethalpy exchangers 651
2017 21 AG XV Cieslok, Joachim Energiesparen in hydraulischen Systemen 683 Session XV Conserving energy in hydraulic systems 657
2017 21 AG XV Gilliland, Allen Reducing Ventilation System Costs & Energy Use with Shared Air Ducts 689 Session XV Reducing Ventilation System Costs & Energy Use with Shared Air Ducts 663
2017 21 AG XV Kierulf, Bjørn The future of PH: more Innovation! 695 Session XV The future of PH: more Innovation! 669
2017 21 AG XV Ochs, Fabian Simulation of a Membrane Energy Recovery Ventilation and Exhaust Air Heat Pump 701 Session XV Simulation of a Membrane Energy Recovery Ventilation and Exhaust Air Heat Pump 675
2017 21 AG XV Ochs, Fabian Modelling and Simulation of Radiant Heat Emission Systems in Passive Houses 703 Session XV Modelling and Simulation of Radiant Heat Emission Systems in Passive Houses 677
2017 21 AG XV Pfluger, Rainer Außenputz als luftdichte Ebene ohne Spachtelung? Prüfung mit mobilem Differenzdruckgerät 705 Session XV Exterior plaster as an airtight layer without additional measures? Inspection using a mobile differential pressure device 679
2017 21 AG XV Hauer, Martin; Pfluger, Rainer In-situ g-Wert-Messung im Einbau - Neu entwickeltes Messgerät für komplexe Verglasungen 707
2017 21 AG XV Michler, Andrew; Kierulf, Bjørn Material Impacts in Passive House 709 Session XV Material Impacts in Passive House 681
2017 21 AG XV Aschauer, Johann Neue Ansätze für die Warmwasserbereitung 711
2017 21 AG XV Peel, Andrew The first Cold Climate Passive House Production Facility emerges 713 Session XV The first Cold Climate Passive House Production Facility emerges 683
2017 21 AG XVI Grant, Nick; Siddal, Mark Developing Summer Comfort Design Guidance 717 Session XVI Developing Summer Comfort Design Guidance 687
2017 21 AG XVI Siddall, Mark; Jonston, David Long Term Experience of the Passivhaus Standard in North East England: Are There Overheating Risks? 723 Session XVI Long Term Experience of the Passivhaus Standard in North East England: Are There Overheating Risks? 693
2017 21 AG XVI Riis Dietz, Søren Passive house school in the northern part of Denmark: First analysis of 5 years' consumption compared to PHPP calculated values. 729 Session XVI Passive house school in the northern part of Denmark: First analysis of 5 years' consumption compared to PHPP calculated values. 699
2017 21 AG XVI Paulsen, Monte Moodyville: A preview of North America's first Passive House District 735 Session XVI Moodyville: A preview of North America's first Passive House District 705
2017 21 AG XVI Hienonen, Markku; Tackett, Evelina; Räinä, Ikka; Kauppinen, Timo Public Authority's Support for Performance Verification of Single-Family House 741 Session XVI Public Authority's Support for Performance Verification of Single-Family House 711
2017 21 AG XVI Mohammadpourkarbasi, Haniyeh Business Case for Passivhaus in the UK 747 Session XVI Business Case for Passivhaus in the UK 717
2017 21 AG XVI Theoboldt, Ingo CO2mpakthuset - 25m² PH as training project and student dwelling 749 Session XVI CO2mpakthuset - 25m² PH as training project and student dwelling 719
2017 21 AG XVI Lewis, Sarah Affordable Passive House homes for Norfolk 751 Session XVI Affordable Passive House homes for Norfolk 721
2017 21 Plenum Alter, LLoyd Gute Luft drinnen und draußen 755 Plenary Session Good air inside and outside 725
2016 20 Vorwort Feist, Wolfgang Vorwort des Herausgebers 5 Preface Preface by the editor 5
2016 20 Grußwort Al-Wazir, Tarek Grußwort des Schirmherrn 9 Greeting Greeting
2016 20 Grußwort Partsch, Jochen Grußwort 13 Greeting Greeting 13
2016 20 Grußwort Holz, Brigitte Grußwort 15 Greeting Greeting 15
2016 20 Grußwort Turmes, Claude Grußwort 19 Gretting Greeting 19
2016 20 PlenumFeist, Wolfgang Passivhaus - die langlebige Lösung71 Plenary Session Passive House - the long-lasting solution 65
2016 20 AG I Frankel, Alexandra; Feirer; Martina GreenHouse - Österreichs erstes „Passivhaus Plus“-Studierenden-Wohnheim in Wien 91 Session I GreenHouse: Astria's first Passive House Plus student dormitory in Vienna 85
2016 20 AG I Valletin, Gernot Verwaltungsneubau des Abwasserzweckverbandes Erdinger Moos als Passivhaus Plus 97 Session I The new Passive House Plus administration building of the Erdinger Moos wastewater association 91
2016 20 AG I Spiß, Engelbert Passivhaus Plus-Wohnbau in Innsbruck 103 Session I A Passive House Plus residential building in Innsbruck 97
2016 20 AG I Beckmannshagen, Lars Erfahrungen aus dem Netzwerk Effiezienzhaus Plus 109 Session I Experience from the Effizienzhaus Plus network 103
2016 20 AG I Reinberg, Georg W. Strategie, Realisierung und Monitoring eines Plus-Energie-Passivhauses 115 Session I Strategy, implementation and monitoring of a Plus Energy Passive House 109
2016 20 AG I Krick, Benjamin Ein Passivhaus Plus aus Strohballen 123 Session I A Passive House Plus building made of bales of straw 117
2016 20 AG II Zielke, Geirg W. Ökologisches Wohnen anspruchsvoll und preiswert 135 Session II Ecological homes: Ambitious yet affordable 129
2016 20 AG II Kreutzer, Simone Circuits - What goes round comes round 141 Session II Circuits - What goes around comes around 135
2016 20 AG II Werneke, Klaus Kostengünstig und Nachhaltig - Ein Reihen-Passivhaus in Holzbauweise als Mietobjekt 147 Session II Affordable and sustainable: A timbered Passive House row house for rent 141
2016 20 AG II Hasper, Wolfgang Ministeriumsanbau meistert alle Herausforderungen 153 Session II A government building annex overcomes all challenges 147
2016 20 AG II Rongen, Ludwig Das Passivhaus heute und über 2015 hinaus - Entwicklungen und Tendenzen 159 Session II Passive House today and beyond 2015: Developments and trends 153
2016 20 AG II Böttrich, Nadine Variantenvielfalt bei Balkonanschlüssen im Passivhaus 165 Session II Large variety of balcony connections in Passive House 159
2016 20 AG III Nettleton, Laura; Whartnaby, Michael EinerPHit in the United States: Multi-unit Residential and Commercial Retrofit Case Studies 169 Session III EnerPHit in the United States: Multi-unit Residential and Commercial Retrofit Case Studies 163
2016 20 AG III Keverling Buisman, Floris Historic 1870 2-whyte brick house to EnerPHit Standard in Upstate New York 175 Session III Historic 1870 2-whyte brick house to EnerPHot Standard in Upstate New York 169
2016 20 AG III Ingui, Michael Masonry Retrofits - Repeatable Results in a Collaborative Environment 181 Session III Masonry Retrofits - Repeatable Results in a Collaborative Environment 175
2016 20 AG III von Meding, Reimar Reimarkt - der erste Supermarkt für nachhaltige Sanierung als erreichbares Konsumentenprodukt 187 Session III Reimarkt: The first supermarket for sustainable retrofits as off-the-shelf consumer products 181
2016 20 AG III Janssen, Martijn From Scrap Values to High Quality Dwelling 193 Session III From Scrap Value to High Quality Dwelling 187
2016 20 AG III Uyttenbrouck, Constance Installing geothermal boreholes under a historic building in the city-centre of Liège 195 Session III Installing geothermal boreholes under a historic building in the city-centre of Liège 189
2016 20 AG III Marcinonis, Dominykas Retrofit of Lithuanian Large Concrete Panel Buildings with Prefabricated Timber Elements - Theoretical Study 199 Session III Retrofit of Lithuanian Large Concrete Panel Buildings with Prefabricated Timber Elements - Theoretical Study 193
2016 20 AG III Osborne, Patrick Hiley Road Retrofit Project, London 203 Session III Hiley Road Retrofit Project, London 197
2016 20 AG IV Style, Oliver Measured performance of a lightweight straw-bale Passive House in a Mediterranean heat wave 207 Session IV Measured performance of a lightweight straw-bale Passive House in a Mediterranean heat wave 201
2016 20 AG IV Pallantzas, Stefan; Roditi, Athanasia Passivistas: The House Project 213 Session IV Passivistas: The House Project 217
2016 20 AG IV Pardo Calderon, Esteban First Steps in Passive House Public Buildings in Spain 219 Session IV First Steps in Passiv House Public Buildings in Spain 213
2016 20 AG IV Salman Gürcan, Tuğba; Gülenc, Seda A comparison nof LEED and Passive House certification an a built example: Gaziantep Yeşil Ev 225 Session IV A comparison of LEED and Passive House certification on a built example: Gaziantep Yeşil Ev 219
2016 20 AG IV Chatzoulis, Stefan Long-term experience of Passive House Component implementation in 30 buildings in the warm climate of Greece 231 Session IV Long-term experience of Passive House Component implementation in 30 buildings in the warm climate of Greece 225
2016 20 AG IV Ruiz-Cuevas Peña, Ramón Passive House 'FUV' 235 Session IV Comfort Conditions and User Behaviour Surveys in Passive House Buildings Throughout Europe 227
2016 20 AG IV Oliveira, Rui; Alves, Ana; Rodrigues, Fernanda;; Vicente, Romeu; Saracin, Adrian Design, Optimisation and Construction of a Steel Frame Efficient House in a South European Country 237 Session IV Design, Optimisation and Construction of a Steel Frame Efficient House in a South European Country 231
2016 20 AG IV Fokaides, Paris A.; Christoforou, Elias; Ilic, Milos; Papadopoulos, Agis Monitored performance of a Passive House under Subtropical climatic conditions 239 Session IV Monitored performance of a Passive House under Subtropical climatic conditions 233
2016 20 AG IV Bonilauri, Enrico The first certified construction system for warm climates: from prototype to production 241 Session IV The first certified construction system for warm climates: from prototype to production 235
2016 20 AG IV McKenzie, Fiona Superpod® Podhouse® - An innovative steel passive house system from Australia 243 Session IV Superpod® Podhouse® - An innovative steel passive house system from Australia237
2016 20 AG V Vallentin, Gernot Montessorischule in Aufkirchen - 12 Jahre Schulbetrieb in der ersten zertifizierten Passivhaus-Schule 247 Session V Montessori School in Aufkirchen: 12 years of operation in the first certified Passive House school 241
2016 20 AG V Kirtschig, Thomas Messergebnisse aus dem ENERGON in Ulm 253 Session V Measurment results from ENERGON in Ulm 247
2016 20 AG V Zeine, Carl KWEFF 2015 - Verbrauchskennwerte energetisch hocheffizienter Gebäude 261 Session V KWEFF 2015: Consuption values of highly energy-efficient buildings 255
2016 20 AG V Horn, Gerrit Zwei Jahrzehnte Passivhäuser in Holzbauweise 267 Session V Two decades of timbered Passive House 261
2016 20 AG V Reiter, Olaf Vier Kindergärten in Sachsen - Bausystemanalyse und kritische Bestandsaufnahme 273 Session V Four kindergartens in Saxony: Construction system analysis and a critical review 267
2016 20 AG V Feist, Wolfgang; Ebel, Witta; Peper, Søren; Hasper, Wolfgang Langzeiterfahrungen und Messergebnisse aus dem ersten Passivhaus in Darmstadt-Kranichstein 279 Session V Long-term experience and measurements from the first Passive House building in Darmstadt-Kranichstein 273
2016 20 AG VI Ernst, Marion; Höffle, Ingo Büro-Passivhäuser mit regenerativer Energieversorgung auf dem Weg zum Passivhaus-Premium- Standard 291 Session VI Passive House offices with renewable energy supply on the path to the Passive House Premium Standard 285
2016 20 AG VI Krämer, Walter; Kaufann, Berthold Sommer gemeistert: Bürogebäude Lu-teco 299 Session VI Summer conquered: The Lu-teco office building 293
2016 20 AG VI Gollwitzer, Esther; Gressier, Florian; Peper, Søren Bambados: Passivhaus-Hallenbad im Betrieb 305 Session VI Bambados: A Passive House indoor swimming pool in practice 299
2016 20 AG VI Oehler, Stefan Ganzheitliche Sanierung der Sparkasse Groß-Umstadt 311 Session VI Holistic retrofit of the Gross-Umstadt Sparkasse 305
2016 20 AG VI Kah, Oliver Bedeutung nutzungsspezifischer Energieanwendungen bei Passivhaus-Nichtwohngebäuden 317 Session VI The importance of use-specific energy applications in non-residential Passive House buildings 311
2016 20 AG VI Haase, Werner Gymnasium Sonthofen - ganzheitliche Sanierung einer Bestandsschule im Faktor 10 323
2016 20 AG VI Haase, Werner Kirche in Gräfendorf 325
2016 20 AG VI Pietrobon, Marco; Tribus, Michael Analyses of multifunctional wooden components for Passive House renovations of schools 327 Session VI Analyses of multifunctional wooden components for Passive House renovations of schools 317
2016 20 AG VII Schild, Robert „Muss sich Wohnkomfort rechnen?„ 331 Session VII “Does residential comfort have to pay for itself?” 321
2016 20 AG VII Clarke, Alan; Grant, Nick Simple and cheap heating systems for individual Passive Houses 337 Session VII Simple and cheap heating systems for individual Passive Houses 327
2016 20 AG VII Bodem, Mario Passivhaus Schulprojekt - Kostenreduzierung durch Erreichen des Passivhaus-Standards 343 Session VII Passive House school project: Lowering costs with the Passive House Standard 333
2016 20 AG VII Moreno-Vacca, Sebastian Large-scale total Passive House renovations in Brussels 349 Session VII Large-scale total Passive House renovations in Brussels 339
2016 20 AG VII Fasouli, Myrtia First privately rented EnerPHit homes in London, Whole-Life Carbon story 355 Session VII First privately rented EnerPHit homes in London, Whole-Life Carbon story 345
2016 20 AG VII Schneider, Peter The Modular Housing Innovation Project 361 Session VII The Modular Housing Innovation Project 351
2016 20 AG VII Shaw, Siena; Rubin, Brian MightyHouse - Rolling Passive House 363 Session VII MightyHouse - Rolling Passive House 353
2016 20 AG VII McDonald, Timothy The PHFA Project 365 Session VII The PHFA Project
2016 20 AG VIII Burrel, Elrond How architects can drive adoption of Passive Hose for primary schools in England and Wales 371 Session VIII How architects can drive adoption of Passive Hose for primary schools in England and Wales 361
2016 20 AG VIII Hines, Jonathan; Thoua, Chryssa Closing the performance gap in UK schools - 3 years energy and comfort monitoring evidence 377 Session VIII Closing the performance gap in UK schools - 3 years energy and comfort monitoring evidence 367
2016 20 AG VIII Grant, Nick; Clarke, Alan The first Passive House Archive in the UK 383 Session VIII The first Passive House Archive in the UK 373
2016 20 AG VIII Siddal, Mark; Johnston, David; Harvie-Clark, Jack; Wyke, Andrew Long Term Experience of the Passive House Standard in North East England: Does Airtightness Decay? 389 Session VIII Long Term Experience of the Passive House Standard in North East England: Does Airtightness Decay? 379
2016 20 AG VIII Moreira, Marianna; McCormack, Art EnerPHit for Social Apartments: Marrying old and new 395 Session VIII EnerPHit for Social Apartments: Marrying old and new 385
2016 20 AG VIII O'Donoghue, Ed; Homes, Magner Passive House, Building on Solid Foundations 391 Session VIII Passive House, Building on Solid Foundations 401
2016 20 AG VIII Wright, Frances; Burford, Neil Developmentof a Scottish Straw Bale-Wrapped Timber Frame Passive House Construction System 403 Session VII Developmentof a Scottish Straw Bale-Wrapped Timber Frame Passive House Construction System 393
2016 20 Plenum von Weizsäcker, Ernst Ulrich Die Politik als Partner 407 Plenary Session Politics as a partner 397
2016 20 Plenum Bottermann, Heinrich Grußwort zur 20. Internationalen Passivhaustagung 411 Plenary Session Opening remarks for the 20th International Passive House Conference 401
2016 20 AG IX Bräunlich, Kristin Component Award 2016 - kostengünstige Lüftungslösungen für die Sanierung 415 Session IX Component Award 2016: Affordable ventilation solutions for retrofits 405
2016 20 AG IX Pfluger, Rainer Reduzierung von Lüftungskanalnetzen - Sanierung „Siegmairschule“ im EU-Projekt SINFONIA 421 Session IX Reducing ventilation duct networks: Retrofit of the Siegmair School as part of the EU project SINFONIA 411
2016 20 AG IX Stärz, Norbert Zentrale Treppenhauslüftung im Mehrfamilienhaus 427 Session IX Central stairwell ventilation in multi-family houses 417
2016 20 AG IX Martin, Bernhard Effizienter lüften mit itelligenten aktiven Überströmern 433 Session IX More efficient ventilation with intelligent active overflow systems 423
2016 20 AG IX Farr, Andrew; Godber, Sally; Warm, Pater MVHR in the UK - Lessons Learnt from Commissioning and a Suggested New “Final Protocol Sheet” for Domestic Use 441 Session IX MVHR in the UK - Lessons Learnt from Commissioning and a Suggested New “Final Protocol Sheet” for Domestic Use 429
2016 20 AG IX Peel, Andrew North American Ventilation Systems Assessed According to Passive House Requirements 435 Session IX North American Ventilation Systems Assessed According to Passive House Requirements 435
2016 20 AG IX Tschui, Adrian; Bürgi, Chris; Huber, Heinrich Professionell geplante Komfortlüftungen 455
2016 20 AG IX Wien, Alexander; Schneider, Jens Flachdeckensystem mit integriertem Luftkanalnetz 457
2016 20 AG IX Mikeska, Tomas Concept of Passive House Institute Certification for split-type air-to-air heat pumps 459 Session IX Concept of Passive House Institute Certification for split-type air-to-air heat pumps 443
2016 20 AG X Schulz, Tanja; Ottinger, Oliver Innendämmung - was geht? 463 Session X Interior insulation: What works? 447
2016 20 AG X Vahalova, Eva; Krick, Benjamin Fenster in einer schrittweise durchgeführten Sanierung 469 Session X Windows in a step-by-step retrofit 453
2016 20 AG X Freundorfer, Franz Gewerkeübergreifende Renovierungssysteme - einer EnerPHit-Innovation 475 Session X Cross-trade retrofit systems: an EnerPHit innovation 459
2016 20 AG X Tywoniak, Jan; Bureš, Michal; Volf, Martin; Hejtmánek, Petr; Nováček, Jiří; Lupíšek, Antonín Leichte Elementfassade auf Holzbasis für Umbauten - Entwicklung und Anwendung 481 Session X Lightweight timbered element façade for modified buildings - development and application 465
2016 20 AG X Drössler, Eckart Sanierung zur Mehrgenerationen-Kleinwohnanlage im Passivhaus-Standard 487 Session X Retrofit to a small multi-generational Passive House residential complex 471
2016 20 AG X Giebeler, Martin Haltbarkeit von KLebeverbindungen 493
2016 20 AG X Muskatewitz, Adrian Passivhaus-taugliche Dachbodentreppen 495 Session X Guidelines for Passive House-suitable attic stairs 495
2016 20 AG X Theumer, Susanne Einfluss typischer Wärmebrücken eines fränkischen Siedlungshauses von 1959 497 Session X Relevance of typical therman bridges in a detached Franconian house from 1959 479
2016 20 AG XI Vogt, Anne; Díaz Antón, Nuria; Robledo, Ruano; Jiménez López, Diana PHPP 9 als Entwurfshilfe zum Erreichen der ersten Passivhaus-Premium-Gebäude in Spanien 501 Session XI PHPP 9 as a design tool for the first Passive House Premium buildings in Spain 483
2016 20 AG XI Edwards, David; Malzer, Harald Konrad Neueste Entwicklungen beim Sketch-Up-Plugin designPH - dem 3D-Interface für PHPP 507 Session XI Latest Developments in designPH SketchUp Plgin - the 3D Interface for PHPP 491
2016 20 AG XI Barry, Bronwyn Optimising Passive House: A look at Kranichstein (and Saskatoon) through the lens of PDT-Passivhaus 513 Session XI Optimising Passive House: A look at Kranichstein (and Saskatoon) through the lens of PDT-Passivhaus 497
2016 20 AG XI Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Siegele, Dietmar; Calabrese, Toni; Feist, Wolfgang “Auditing tool” PHPP - new Features and Comprehensive Validation 519 Session XI “Auditing tool” PHPP - new Features and Comprehensive Validation 503
2016 20 AG XI Rojas, Gabriele; Schnieders, Jürgen Vorhersagegenauigkeit für Energiebedraf und Raumtemperaturen verschiedener Programme 525 Session XI Accurately predicting energy demand and room temperatures in various programs 489
2016 20 AG XI Tzarnev, Dragomir The New Building Knowledge Hubs of Europe: Successful Promotion of Passive House Trainings 527 Session XI The New Building Knowledge Hubs of Europe: Successful Promotion of Passive House Trainings 509
2016 20 AG XI Weber, Jens-Erik New Component Database 529
2016 20 AG XI Ottinger, Oliver; Schnieders, Jürgen; Hasper, Wolfgang Determination of the heat loss coefficient of built Passive House buildings 533 Session IX Determination of the heat loss coefficient of built Passive House buildings 515
2016 20 AG XII Isaacs, Malcolm; Zouari, Sonia Reaching for the Passive House Standard in Canadian Social Housing 537 Session XII Reaching for the Passive House Standard in Canadian Social Housing 519
2016 20 AG XII Paulsen, Monte Factory-built Passive House: An affordable solution for remote Canadian communities 543 Session XII Factory-built Passive House: An affordable solution for remote Canadian communities 525
2016 20 AG XII Lindgren, Tomas; Granit, Simon Högåsskolan - a Passive House school 549 Session XII Högåsskolan - a Passive House school 531
2016 20 AG XII Päätalo, Juha Onnelanpolku - das erste Seniorenwohnheim im Passivhaus-Standard in Finland 555 Session XII Onnelanpolku: The first Passive House retirement home in Finland 537
2016 20 AG XII Wong, Terrell; Cook, Sylvia; Ebanks, Peta-Gay Rammed Earth: Passive House, Naturally 561 Session XII Rammed Earth: Passive House, Naturally 534
2016 20 AG XII Stich, Tomaž Off Grid Passive House in the Canadian Prairies 567 Session XII Off Grid Passive House in the Canadian Prairies 549
2016 20 AG XII Danilevski, Leonid Passivhaus-Technologie und Entwicklung der energieeffizienten Bauweise in Weißrussland 569
2016 20 AG XIII Peper, Søren; Persch, Robert Monitoring des Energieverbrauchs im Stadtteil Bahnstadt, Heidelberg 573 Session XIII Monitoring energy consumption in the new district Bahnstadt in Heidelberg 553
2016 20 AG XIII Bermich, Ralf Der Passivhaus-Stadtteil Heidelberg-Bahnstadt im Urteil der Bewohner 579 Session XIII Passive House district Heidelberg-Bahnstadt in the eyes of its residents 559
2016 20 AG XIII Lilge, Thomas Studenten-Wohnanlage Münster: Über 500 Wohneinheiten im Passivhaus-Standard 585 Session XIII Student dormitory complex in Münster, Germany: More than 500 units built to the Passive House Standard 565
2016 20 AG XIII Lang, Günter Passiv günstiger als konventionell - wie geht das? 591 Session XIII Passive more affordable than conventional: How? 571
2016 20 AG XIII Steinmetz, Nico Kollektivunterkunft für den sozialen Wohnungsbau in Luxemburg-Stadt: Bau eines Komplexes mit drei urbanen Passivhäusern 597
2016 20 AG XIII Leidinger, Ulrike Das Nichtwohngebäude zwischen Kostendruck und Anspruch 601
2016 20 AG XIII Zimmermann, Franz-Josef Energetische Schulsanierungen in Rheinland-Pfalz 603
2016 20 AG XIII Giebeler, Martin Grundmodernisierung großer Gebäude 605
2016 20 AG XIV Loga, Tabias; Frank, Milena Photovoltaik-Stromerzeugung zur Deckung des Eigenbedarfs im Passivhaus - Parameterstudie 609 Session XIV Photovoltaic power generation to cover domestic power demand in Passive House: A parameter study 579
2016 20 AG XIV Vallentin, Rainer PER-Bewertung und die neuen Passivhaus-Klassen: Eine Kritik 615 Session XIV PER assessment and the new Passive House classes: A critique 585
2016 20 AG XIV Feist, Wolfgang; Krick, Benjamin Stellungnahme des Herausgebers 627 Session XIV Response from the editor 597
2016 20 AG XIV Krick, Benjamin Ist Strom (noch) böse? 633 Session XIV Is electricity (still) bad? 601
2016 20 AG XIV Großklos, Marc; Stein, Britta Auslegung und Betriebsergebnisse eines elektrischen Energiespeichers in einem Passivhaus Plus mit 17 Wohneinheiten 645 Session XIV Dimensioning of and performance data from an electricity storage system in a Passive House Plus building with 17 residential units 611
2016 20 AG XIV Marcelino, João; Gavião, João The impact of the standby consumption in a Passive House 651 Session XIV The impact of the standby consumption in a Passive House 617
2016 20 AG XIV Buteikyte, Evelina; Friedl, Werner PER: EnerPHit Premium, Plus und Classic - Modernisiertes Wohngebäude mit Passivhaus-Komüonenten 657
2016 20 AG XIV Hall, Monika; Geissler, Achim Sind Hochhäuser als Nullenergiegebäude machbar? 659 Session XIV Is net zero energy possible for high-rose buildings? 623
2016 20 AG XV Steiger, Jan; Vahalova, Eva Overall retrofit plan for step-by-step retrofits to EnerPHit Standard 663 Session XV Overall retrofit plan for step-by-step retrofits to EnerPHit Standard 627
2016 20 AG XV McCormack, Art; Moreira, Mariana Step-by-Step EnerPHit Retrofit: Coordinated Design and Build 669 Session XV Step-by-Step EnerPHit Retrofit: Coordinated Design and Build 633
2016 20 AG XV Traynor, James; Newman, Nick; Brown, Helen Large scale EnerPhit - Whole life costs and lessons learnt on high rise retrofit 675 Session XV Large scale EnerPhit - Whole life costs and lessons learnt on high rise retrofit 639
2016 20 AG XV Norwood, Zack; Theoboldt, Ingo; Archer, Dan-Eric Step-by-step deep retrofit and building integrated façade/roof on a 'million program' house 681 Session XV Step-by-step deep retrofit and building integrated façade/roof on a 'million program' house 645
2016 20 AG XV Díaz Antón, Nuria; Sánchez Mateos, Mercedes; Vogt, Anne Schrittweise Modernisierung mit dem EnerPHit-Standard im Sozialwohnungsbau in Spanien 687 Session XV Step-by-step Retrofits towards EnerPHit Standard in Social Housing in Spain 651
2016 20 AG XV Lutzkanova, Iglika A road towards deep building renovation on a step-by-step basis in Bulgaria 693 Session XV A road towards deep building renovation on a step-by-step basis in Bulgaria 657
2016 20 AG XVI Guo, Ling Passive House in China: Present Situation and Future Trends 701 Session XVI Passive House in China: Present Situation and Future Trends 665
2016 20 AG XVI Yu, Zou; Deyu, Sun; Xi, Chen Compiling Principles and Key Points of Passive Ultra-low Energy Green Building Technical Guideline China 707 Session XVI Compiling Principles and Key Points of Passive Ultra-low Energy Green Building Technical Guideline China 671
2016 20 AG XVI Design optimisation of Tianjin Sino-Singapore Eco-City Passive House project using PHPP 715 Session XVI Design optimisation of Tianjin Sino-Singapore Eco-City Passive House project using PHPP 679
2016 20 AG XVI Cunz, Thilo; Reuter, Friedrich BuildTog Passive House in Tianjin, China 721 Session XVI BuildTog Passive House in Tianjin, China 685
2016 20 AG XVI Cui, Yuansheng; Sun, Jicheng; Liu, Wei; Xue, Guibin; Guo, Sinchen Status, Problems and Solution of Passive House Construction in China 727 Session XVI Status, Problems and Solution of Passive House Construction in China 691
2016 20 AG XVI Schirmer, Stefan Erfahrung und Herausforderungen bei der Beheizung und Kühlung chinesischer Pilotprojekte 733 Session XVI Experience and challenges from heating and cooling in Chinese pilot projects 697
2016 20 AG XVI Meyer-Olbersleben, Michael Erfahrungen aus 11 Blower-Door-Einsaätzen im Reich der Mitte - China baut auf Passivhäuser 739 Session XVI Experience from 11 blower-door tests for Passive House in China 703
2016 20 AG XVI Lu, Quinn; Li, Jiang Building a Passive House with EPS Module System in the Severe Cold Region of China 745 Session XVI Building a Passive House with EPS Module System in the Severe Cold Region of China 709
2016 20 AG XVI Kaufmann, Berthold Good user-experiences from first Passive House buildings in China 749 Session XVI Good user-experiences from first Passive House buildings in China 713
2016 20 AG XVI Schnieders, Jürgen; Kaufmann, Berthold; Schulz, Tanja; Jiang, Huijun; Winkel, Susanne; Feist, Wolfgang Passive House design in different Chinese climates - it works everywhere 755 Session XVI Passive House design in different Chinese climates - it works everywhere 719
2016 20 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang; von Weizsäcker, Ersnt Ulrich; Alt, Franz Nachhaltige Energie für alle 765 Plenary Session Sustainable energy for all 729
2015 19 Vorwort Feist, Wolfgang Vorwort des Herausgebers 5 Preface Preface by the editor 5
2015 19 Grußwort Gabriel, Sigmar Grußwort 9 Plenary Greeting 9
2015 19 Grußwort Jung, Burkhard Grußwort 11 Plenary Greeting 11
2015 19 Grußwort Furkert, Alf Grußwort 13 Plenary Greeting 13
2015 19 Plenum Moseley, Philippe Passive House and EU Support: Past, Present and Future 61 Plenary Passive House and EU Support: Past, Present and Future 57
2015 19 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Passivhaus-Komponenten: Schlüssel zur Energiewende 67 Plenary Shaping the future: Passive House components 63
2015 19 AG I Sibille, Elisabeth; Malzer, Harald Konrad Auswirkung eines energiebewussten Planungsansatzes auf die Reduktion der Baukosten 85 Session I How energy-conscious planning lowers construction costs 79
2015 19 AG I Schlott, Siegfried Gesamtenergetische Wertermittlung eines Gebäudes mit Passivhaus-Standard 91
2015 19 AG I Stein, Britta; Loga, Tobias Nationale Ansätze für Niedrigstenergiegebäude in Europa 93 Session I National approaches to Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings in Europe 85
2015 19 AG I Bähr, Annette Lebenszykluskostenoptimierte Kitas - Potenziale der Standardisierung in Planung und Bau 99 Session I Optimizing the lifecycle costs of day care centers - the potential of standardization in planning and construction 91
2015 19 AG I Riel, Martina; Lohse, Rüdiger; Kaufmann, Berthold; Ottinger, Oliver Wirtschaftlichkeitsuntersuchung eines sanierten Bürogebäudes105 Session I Economic feasibility study of a renovated office complex 97
2015 19 AG I Teraž, Nataša; Pucko Maher, Klara Passive House can be affordable: Optimization through development 107 Session I Passive House can be affordable: Optimization through development 99
2015 19 AG I Höffle, Ingo Wirtschaftliche Produktions- und Fertigungshallen im Passivhaus-Standard 109 Session I Affordable Passive House production facilities 101
2015 19 AG II Stärz, Norbert Die Auslegung des Wärmeerzeugers - Beispiele für Ein- und Mehrfamilienhaus117 Session II Dimensioning the heat-generator for single-family homes and apartment complexes 109
2015 19 AG II Pröh, Alexander Zentrale Lüftung im Mehrfamilienhaus - oder doch dezentral? 123 Session II Should apartment complexes have central ventilation systems or an unit in each apartment 115
2015 19 AG II Schwerdtfeger, Peter Luftmengenoptimierung in Nichtwohngebäuden am Beispiel von Kindergärten 129 Session II Optimizing airflow in non-residential buildings - a case study of kindergartens 121
2015 19 AG II Rojas, Gabriel; Pfluger, Rainer; Feist, Wolgang Behaglichkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Luftheizung - ein Vergleich mit Radiator- und Fußbodenheizung 133 Session II Comfort and affordability with air heating - a comparison of radiators and floor heaters 125
2015 19 AG II Kah, Oliver Kosteneinsparpotenziale bei zentralen Wohnungslüftungsanlagen 139 Session II Lowering costs with central residential ventilation systems 131
2015 19 AG II Ottinger, Oliver; Grove-Smith, Jessica; Schnieders, Jürgen; Hasper, Wolfgang; Kaufmann, Berthold Einsparpotenziale bei Trinkwarmwassersystemen: Erzeugung, Verteilung, Nutzung 145 Session II The cost-saving potential of water heating systems for drinking water: supply, distribution, and use 137
2015 19 AG III Wolters, Bernd Umsetzung des Passivhaus-Standards im Freistaat Sachsen 153 Session III Implementing the Passive House Standard in the Free State of Saxony 145
2015 19 AG III Dubrau, Dorothee Vorgehensweise der Stadt Leipzig 157 Session III What the City of Leipzig is doing 149
2015 19 AG III Eaton, Thomas; Krumbiegel, Mathias; Haupt, Jörg Planung eines Passivhauses am Beispiel der Sport-Oberschule 161 Session III Planning a Passive House sports high school 153
2015 19 AG III Königsdorff, Jörg Thermisch energetische Untersuchungen in Unterrichtsräumen, Luftqualität und thermischer Komfort 169 Session III Thermal energy studies in classrooms, air quality, and thermal comfort 161
2015 19 AG III Hofmann, Andreas; Heßler, Falko Technisches Monitoring 179 Session III Technical monitoring 171
2015 19 AG III von Nordheim, Irmela Soziales Monitoring 185 Session III Social monitoring 177
2015 19 AG III Reiter, Olaf; Hawemann, Frank Kindertagesstätte „Zauberhaus“ in Delitzsch bei Leipzig 193 Session III Day-care-centre „Zauberhaus“ in Delitzsch by Leipzig 185
2015 19 AG IV Krick, Benjamin Component-Award Passivhaus Fenster: Profitabel, behaglich, innovativ und zukunftsfähig 201 Session IV Passive House windows: Comfortable, profitable, innovative, and futureproof COMPONENT AWARD 193
2015 19 AG IV Guermanova, Maiia First EnerPHit Conservation Sash window DevelopedSpecifically for the UK Market 209 Session IV First EnerPHit Conservation Sash window DevelopedSpecifically for the UK Market 201
2015 19 AG IV Ochs, Fabian; Dermentzis, Georgios; Siegele, Dietmar; Feist, Wolfgang Retrofitting with façade integrated micro-heat pump and MVHR - a European case study 213 Session IV Retrofitting with façade integrated micro-heat pump and MVHR - a European case study 205
2015 19 AG IV Dermentzis, Georgios; Ochs, Fabian; Siegele, Dietmar; Feist, Wolfgang Innovative ventilation & heating system for Passive Houses – a European case study 219 Session IV Innovative ventilation & heating system for Passive Houses – a European case study 211
2015 19 AG IV Heiduk, Ernst; Mahdavi, A.; Pont, U.; C. Sustr, M. Schuss; Ghazi Wakili, K.; Stahl, T. High-performance aerogel insulating plaster for historic plaster façade 225 Session IV High-performance aerogel insulating plaster for historic plaster façade 217
2015 19 AG IV Schulz, Tanja; Ottinger, Oliver Empfehlungen für die Sanierung mit Innendämmung – Zertifizierung von Innendämmsystemen als EnerPHit geeignetes Bausystem 229 Session IV Recommendations for EnerPHit retrofits with interior insulation 221
2015 19 AG IV Sanchez, Isabel Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) in Step by Step Retrofitting projects 235 Session IV Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) in Step by Step Retrofitting projects 227
2015 19 AG IV Dekant, Christoph Neu zertifiziert: Passivhaus-Bodentreppe 239 Session IV Newly certified: Passive House loft ladder 231
2015 19 AG V Freundorfer, Franz Fenster der Effizienzklasse phA+, ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung kostengünstiges PH 243 Session V Windows of efficiency class phA+ - a further step towards cost efficient PH 235
2015 19 AG V Ugovšek, Aleš; Šubic, Barbara; Rep, Gregor; Humar, Miha Thermally modified wood - applicable material for passive windows - theory and practice 249 Session V Thermally modified wood - applicable material for passive windows - theory and practice 241
2015 19 AG V Schlagowski, Günter; Kwiatkowski, Sławomir Tomasz Herstellung von zertifizierten Passivhaus-Fenstern in einer zertifizierten Passivhaus-Produktionshalle 255 Session V The production of Passive House Standard windows in a Passive House certified production hall 247
2015 19 AG V Stegemann, Michael; Roik, Matthias Verbesserung der Wärmedämmwirkung durch optimierte Mauerwerkskonsolen 257 Session V
2015 19 AG V Rudolph, Andreas; Slawik, Stefan Sicherheit und Gebrauchstauglichkeit von PH zertifizierten geneigten Pfosten-Riegel-Konstruktionen 259 Session V Safety and usability of certified Passive House post-and-beam designs 249
2015 19 AG V Hülsmeier, Frank Ressourcenoptimierte schlanke Sandwichfassaden 265 Session V Resource-optimized, slender sandwich façades 255
2015 19 AG V Ottinger, Oliver Wärmeverluste durch Schornsteinsysteme in Passivhäusern 269 Session V Heat losses through chimney systems in Passive House buildings 259
2015 19 AG V Foppe, Johannes Das Element-Montage-System EMS+SI - Fenster und Türen einfach in der Dämmebene montieren 271 Session V The EMS+SI element assembly system - the easy way to install windows and doors in the insulation level 261
2015 19 AG V Schüren, Mirko Das Erdreich als Teil der Gebäudehülle. Über U- und PSI-Werte erdberührter Bauteile 275 Session V
2015 19 AG V Naumann, Andreas Passivhaus in Holzbauweise, Bausystem 3 G+ vom EFH bis zur mehrgeschossigen Holzbauweise 277 Session V Timbered Passive House, the 3 G+ construction system from single-family homes to timbered complexes 265
2015 19 AG V Clarke, Alan; Grant, Nick Heat loss via internal drainage vent pipes 281 Session V Heat loss via internal drainage vent pipes 269
2015 19 AG VI Grove-Smith, Jessica; Feist, Wolfgang Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung mit PER 285 Session VI The PER sustainability assessment 273
2015 19 AG VI Schaub, Martin App PHVP: PH-Projektierung in weniger als 15 Minuten 293 Session VI
2015 19 AG VI Schütze, Alexandre; Kowalski, Miroslaw Berücksichtigung von komplexen Verschattungssituationen im PHPP anhand Lichtsimulation 295 Session VI Consideration of complex shading situations in the PHPP based on light simulation 281
2015 19 AG VI Werner, Matthias; Gopp, Sebastian; Geisler-Moroder, David; Junghans, Bert; Ebert, Oliver Vereinfachte Fassadenplanung hinsichtlich Kunstlicht-, Heiz- und Kühlbedarf 299 Session VI Simplified façade planning in terms of demand for artificial lightning, heating, and cooling 285
2015 19 AG VI Andreou, Eleni; Pelsmakers, Sofie; Altamirano, Hector; Halliday, Sandy Should the PH standard include the environmental impact of materials in its standard? 305 Session VI Should the PH standard include the environmental impact of materials in its standard? 291
2015 19 AG VI Altendorf, Lars; Plesser, Stefan Qualitätsmanagement für Passivhäuser - Webbasierte Checklisten 311 Session VI
2015 19 AG VI Lewis, Sarah PHPP illustrated 313 Session VI PHPP illustrated 297
2015 19 AG VI Hasper, Wolfgang Verbesserte Lehrmaterialien für Passivhaus-Planer-Kurse 315 Session VI Improved teaching materials for Passive House Designer training 299
2015 19 AG VII Tribus, Michael Schrittweise Sanierung bei gleichzeitigem Schul- und Heimbetrieb 319 Session VII Step-by-step refurbishment of a school and residence hall in use 303
2015 19 AG VII Malzer, Harald Konrad; Pfluger, Rainer Erstes EnerPHit-zertifiziertes Bürohochhaus – Modernisierung mit Passivhaus-Komponenten 325 Session VII The first certified EnerPHit office high-rise - modernizing with Passive House components 309
2015 19 AG VII von Meding, Reimar Veilige Veste – erstes Bürogebäude der Niederlande renoviert nach Passivhaus-Standard 333 Session VII Veilige Veste - the first Passive House office complex retrofit in the Netherlands 317
2015 19 AG VII Höfler, Karl Innovative Sanierung zum Plus-Energiegebäude 339 Session VII Innovative retrofits towards Plus Energy buildings 323
2015 19 AG VII Stuffer, Oscar; Troi, Alexandra; Cari, Valentina Umfassende energetische Modernisierung einer denkmalgeschützten Villa am Comer See 345 Session VII Deep energy retrofit of an architectural heritage building: an historic Villa on Lake Como 329
2015 19 AG VII Goossen, Carl-Peter Ein praktischer Ansatz für eine integrierte Sanierung mit einem Scrum-Team 351 Session VII A practical approach for an integrated refurbishment with a scrum team 335
2015 19 AG VIII Kaufmann, Berthold; Hennecke, Christian; Franke, Bernd Das Xingfubao Passivhaus in Urumqi – ein Erfahrungsbericht 359 Session VIII Singfubao Passive House Building in Urumqi - lessons learnt 341
2015 19 AG VIII Ruge, Peter Best practice in Southern China - Passive House Bruck 365 Session VIII Best practice in Southern China - Passive House Bruck 347
2015 19 AG VIII Michulec, David; Schöberl, Helmut Zertifiziertes Passivhaus in Zhuozhou, China mit Planung und Umsetzung durch chinesische Firmen 371 Session VIII Certified Passive House in China with planning and implementation don by Chinese firms 353
2015 19 AG VIII Fei, Han; Zhengjie, Yu; Rongen, Ludwig Challenges of implementation of Passive House construction in the present stage in China 377 Session VIII Challenges of implementation of Passive House construction in the present stage in China 359
2015 19 AG VIII Yao, Yi; Deng, Lanbo Passive House technology popularization and promoting in China 383 Session VIII Passive House technology popularization and promoting in China 365
2015 19 AG VIII Xu, Wei; Qiao, Biao; Liu, Yan; Sun, Deyu The application of high performance envelope in residential building in China 387 Session VIII The application of high performance envelope in residential building in China 369
2015 19 Plenum Feist, Wolfgang Grußwort Plenary Greeting
2015 19 Plenum O'Leary, Tomas; Moreira, Mariana Trans-European Emeriti Case Studies Lead The Way 395 Plenary Trans-European Emeriti Case Studies Lead The Way 377
2015 19 Plenum Krick, Benjamin Classic, Plus, Premium: Die neuen Passivhaus-Klassen und wie sie erreicht werden können 401 Plenary Classic, Plus, Premium: The new Passive House classes and how they can be reached 383
2015 19 AG IX Schnieders, Jürgen Aktiv kühlen in Passivhäusern - Strategien für aktive Kühlsysteme 413 Session IX Active cooling in Passive House - strategies for active cooling systems 395
2015 19 AG IX Laidig, Matthias; Zeller, Joachim Wie bewährt sich ein Kompaktaggregat mit Frischluftheizung in der Praxis? Messergebnisse 149 Session IX How well does a compact device with fresh air heating work in practice? Measurement results. 401
2015 19 AG IX Sibille, Elisabeth; Pfluger, Rainer Die Anwendung aktiver Überströmer für die Verteilung der Zuluft in Wohnungen 425 Session IX The use of active overflow systems for distributing fresh air in apartments 407
2015 19 AG IX Kierulf, Bjorn Vorteile eines wandintegrierten zentralen Lüftungsgeräts 431 Session IX Advantages of a wall integrated centralised ventilation unit 413
2015 19 AG IX Siegele, Dietmar; Ochs, Fabian; Feist, Wolfgang Validierung der Algorithmen für die solare Warmwasserbereitung und Heizung in PHPP 437 Session IX Critical analysis of solar domestic hot water and solar space heating algorithms in PHPP 419
2015 19 AG IX Gilliland, Allen Asynchronous Air Circulation for Simplified Ventilation and Space Conditioning 443 Session IX Asynchronous Air Circulation for Simplified Ventilation and Space Conditioning 425
2015 19 AG X Hässig, Werner; Wyss, Sara Minimierte Wärmebrücken in erdbebensicheren Bauten 451 Session X Optimization of thermal bridges in buildings subject to earthquake loads 433
2015 19 AG X Keller, Michael; Keller, Steven Mehrgeschossiges Bürogebäude im Passivhaus-Standard 457 Session X Multistory Passive House office complexes 439
2015 19 AG X Tywoniak, Jan; Calta, Vítězslav; Staněk, Kamil “Open Gardens” – Schulungs- und Bürogebäude in Brünn in der Tschechischen Republik 463 Session X Education and office complex of the Partnerstvi Foundation in Brünn 445
2015 19 AG X Plesser, Stefan; Görtgens, Adrian; Ahrens-Hein, Oliver-N.; Wussler, Maik Evaluation von acht Passivhaus-Kitas in Hannover 469 Session X Evaluation of eight Passive House day-care centers in Hanover 451
2015 19 AG X Erfurt, Ronny; Sommer, Karsten Passivhaus-Schule in Freiberg / Sachsen 475 Session X
2015 19 AG X Reiter, Olaf; Groß, Carla Nutzerhandbuch für Passivhaus-Schulen 477 Session X
2015 19 AG X Herklotz, Dietmar Erfahrungen als Passivhaus-Gutachter 479 Session X Experience as a Passive House auditor 457
2015 19 AG XI Fujara, Marianne Lessons learnt aus PassREg – die Idee bleibt gültig 489 Session XI Lessons learnt from the project - the PassREg idea remains valid 467
2015 19 AG XI Genchev, Zdravko The Passive House concept leads to the NZEB 493 Session XI The Passive House concept leads to the NZEB 471
2015 19 AG XI Tzanev, Dragomir The New Passive House Regions Take On the Energy Revolution 497 Session XI The New Passive House Regions Take On the Energy Revolution 475
2015 19 AG XI Bermich, Ralf Passive House performance on a large scale: Experience from the Passive House district Heidelberg-Bahnstadt 501 Session XI Passive House performance on a large scale: Experience from the Passive House district Heidelberg-Bahnstadt 479
2015 19 AG XI Moreno-Vacca, Sebastian What does Passive House Brussels 2015 and beyond… 507 Session XI What does Passive House Brussels 2015 and beyond… 485
2015 19 AG XI Rose, Clarence Passive goes NZEB, barriers and solutions in building regulations 513 Session XI Passive goes NZEB, barriers and solutions in building regulations 491
2015 19 AG XII Bastian, Zeno; Pedersen, Søren; Arnăutu, Dragos Stepwise EnerPHit retrofit: New Certification Scheme and Online Platform 523 Session XII Stepwise EnerPHit retrofit: New Certification Scheme and Online Platform 501
2015 19 AG XII Camal, Simon Practical implementation of step by step retrofit to EnerPHit standard 529 Session XII Practical implementation of step by step retrofit to EnerPHit standard 507
2015 19 AG XII Robinson, Adam EuroPHit: Models for Financing Step-by-Step Refurbishments 535 Session XII EuroPHit: Models for Financing Step-by-Step Refurbishments 513
2015 19 AG XII Theumer, Susanne; Rivero Arias, Maria del Carmen Studie zum kostenoptimalen Standard für Sozialwohnungsbau-Modernisierung in Mexiko: EnerPHit 541 Session XII Cost-optimised Standard for Social Housing retrofit in Mexico: EnerPHit 519
2015 19 AG XII Baeli, Marion Lessons learned from 20 UK residential retrofits 549 Session XII Lessons learned from 20 UK residential retrofits 525
2015 19 AG XII Rodrigues, Fernanda; Parada, Marlene; Oliveira, Rui; Alves, Ana Energy retrofit of a XIX century building in Portugal 555 Session XII Energy retrofit of a XIX century building in Portugal 531
2015 19 AG XIII Großkloß, Marc; Schaede, Margit Passivhaus mit Energiegewinn oder EffizienzhausPlus? Wege zum Energieüberschuss 561 Session XIII Passive House with surplus energy or Efficiency Passive House Plus? Path towards surplus energy 537
2015 19 AG XIII Hensel, Christoph; Bretzke, Axel Vergleich Konzeption Passivhaus zu Sonnenhaus mit Weiterentwicklung zum Plus-Energiehaus 567 Session XIII A comparison of the Passive House concept and the Solar House with a further development towards Plus Energy House 543
2015 19 AG XIII Tepe, Rainer; Büttner, Christoph Solar-Holz-Heizkonzepte für Passivhäuser 573 Session XIII Solar-wood heating concept for Passive House 549
2015 19 AG XIII Schöberl, Helmut; Bednar, Thomas Österreichs größtes Plus-Energie-Bürogebäude am Standort Getreidemarkt der TU Wien 579 Session XIII Austria's largest Plus Energy office concept at Getreidemarkt, TU Vienna 555
2015 19 AG XIII Nikolaev, Boris A. Passiv- und Aktivhäuser wird man in Russland doch bauen! 585 Session XIII Passive House and active buildings will be constructed in Russia! 561
2015 19 AG XIII Colclough, Shane; Redpath, David; Griffiths, Philip Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage and the Passivhaus - lessons from 5 years of monitoring 591 Session XIII Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage and the Passivhaus - lessons from 5 years of monitoring 567
2015 19 AG XIII Thurrott, Joseph Meeting the heating energy demand using a local, renewable fuel: wood logs 593 Session XIII Meeting the heating energy demand using a local, renewable, inexpensive fuel: wood logs 569
2015 19 AG XIV Beckmannshagen, Lars; Gerbitz, Jan Passivhäuser als Baustein energieeffizienter Stadtteile 597 Session XIV Passive House as a cornerstone of energy-efficient urban district 573
2015 19 AG XIV Schwarz, Dietrich Quartier Neugrün Mellingen, Minergie-A-Eco und -P-Eco 603 Session XIV The Neugrüen Mellingen neighborhood, Minergie-A-Eco and -P-Eco 579
2015 19 AG XIV Wohlfahrt, Matthias; Harhausen, Gunnar Null-Emissionsstrategie für ein Wohnquartier der 50/60er Jahre 609 Session XIV Zero-emissions strategy for a neighborhood built in the 50s and 60s 585
2015 19 AG XIV Stelzer, Friedemann Gründerzeit-Gebäude im EnerPHit-Standard mit erneuerbaren Rohstoffen 615 Session XIV Wilhelminian Style building in the EnerPHit-Standard with renewable raw materials 591
2015 19 AG XIV Raji, Saed; Pauly, M.; Henon, A.; Lopez, J.; Lagière, Ph. Vergleichende Analyse des Passivhaus-Standards und der aktuellen französischen Effizienzvorschriften 617 Session XIV Comparative analysis between the PHI standard and current French efficiency regulations 593
2015 19 AG XIV Vekemans, Etienne; Camal, Simon Französische Energieeffizienzvorschriften im Vergleich zum PHPP 619 Session XIV French energy efficiency regulations compared to PHPP 595
2015 19 AG XV Wassouf, Micheel Comfort and Passive House in the Mediterranean summer - monitoring of two detached homes in Spain 623 Session XV Comfort and Passive House in the Mediterranean summer - monitoring of two detached homes in Spain 599
2015 19 AG XV Prieto, Silvia; Bunyesc, Josep Several examples of monitored Passive House homes from the Mediterranean to the Pyrenees 629 Session XV Several examples of monitored Passive House homes from the Mediterranean to the Pyrenees 605
2015 19 AG XV Berger, Wolfgang; Nitsch, Bernd An EnerPHit retrofit of an apartment in a complex in Bilbao, Spain 635 Session XV An EnerPHit retrofit of an apartment in a complex in Bilbao, Spain 611
2015 19 AG XV Salman Gürcan, Tugba Cost-effective retrofitting in Turkey by adapting EnerPHit standards to a warmer climate 641 Session XV Cost-effective retrofitting in Turkey by adapting EnerPHit standards to a warmer climate 617
2015 19 AG XV Figueira, José; Figueiredo, António; Vicente, Romeu; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Oliveira, Rui Thermal Comfort Analysis of LSF Passive House Dwellings for Southern European Climates 647 Session XV Thermal Comfort Analysis of LSF Passive House Dwellings for Southern European Climates 623
2015 19 AG XV Figueiredo, António; Vicente, Romeu; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Figueira, José Overheating and Optimization of Indoor Thermal Comfort of Passive House Buildings in Warm Climates 649 Session XV Overheating and Optimization of Indoor Thermal Comfort of Passive House Buildings in Warm Climates 625
2015 19 AG XV Zedillo Velasco, Carlos Systems for the evaluation of energy & environmental efficiency of housing in Mexico 651 Session XV Systems for the evaluation of energy & environmental efficiency of housing in Mexico 627
2015 19 AG XV Kolsuz, Timur; Bergstrom, Helen; Zeif, Sam Techstyle Haus a passive house prototype in lightweight construction 653 Session XV Techstyle Haus a passive house prototype in lightweight construction 629
2015 19 AG XVI Grant, Nick Building a better Passivhaus school 661 Session XVI Building a better Passivhaus school 637
2015 19 AG XVI Barabás, Béla; Arnăutu, Dragos Case study - EvoHouse - Ecopassive concept from Romania 667 Session XVI Case study - EvoHouse - Ecopassive concept from Romania 643
2015 19 AG XVI Cohen, Adam Integrated Project Delivery of Passivhaus, a pathway to high performance at market rate 673 Session XVI Integrated Project Delivery of Passivhaus, a pathway to high performance at market rate 649
2015 19 AG XVI Harrmann, André; Armstrong, Lukas A Multi-Generation Triplex Passive House in the Canadian Rocky Mountains 679 Session XVI A Multi-Generation Triplex Passive House in the Canadian Rocky Mountains 655
2015 19 AG XVI O'Malia, Matthew Warren Woods Ecology Field Station: 1st certified laboratory in North America 685 Session XVI Warren Woods Ecology Field Station: 1st certified laboratory in North America 661
2015 19 AG XVI Steinmetz, Nico New office building for the Centre of Ecological Movement in Luxembourg-Pfaffenthal 691 Session XVI New office building for the Centre of Ecological Movement in Luxembourg-Pfaffenthal 667
2015 19 AG XVI Hagerman, Sam An Economical Passive House „Package“ for the Pacific Northwest 693 Session XVI An Economical Passive House „Package“ for the Pacific Northwest 669
2015 19 Plenum Wolfgang Feist Abschlussplenum 67 Plenary Closing Speech 63
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