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A shoko-sharing Game

Almost everyone is probably familiar with the following game from childhood - or from their own children or grandchildren.

A bar of chocolate is laid out at a party. At first, everyone grabs it - it turns out that the bar is particularly tasty - but there is only one.

It is often the case that the last piece - a rather small, finite amount - is left behind as a „leftover“. Until someone comes up with the idea of dividing this piece in half with a knife. One half is taken and eaten, the other is left lying around.

The party then discusses how long this process can be repeated: Always take only half of the remaining food again. This works for a surprisingly long time: and it usually ends not because it seems difficult to halve the small amount further, but because the game gets boring at some point.

grundlagen/energiewirtschaft_und_oekologie/a_shoko_sharing_game.1704889689.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/01/10 13:28 von wfeist